last call for paper / IEEE Workshop

** Environmental Acoustic Data Mining **

joint to IEEE Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM)
Atlantic City, USA, Nov. 14 2015

Full paper (extended) deadline : August 9.

Challenge, classification on Alpin recordings runs sub. : Sep. 21.

IEEE EADM aims to bring together researchers and professionals
from worldwide academia and industry for showcasing, discussing, and
reviewing the whole spectrum of scientific and technological
opportunities, challenges, solutions, and emerging applications in
Environmental Acoustic Data Mining.

We encourage work based on interdisciplinary research,
such as computer science and ecology, where quantitative evidence is
available demonstrating the mutual advantage of such an approach.

Papers are welcome on a wide range of topics EADM : Environmental
Acoustic Data (EAD) acquisition; EAD analysis and event detection;
Habitat and acoustic comparisons; Evolution and dynamics of EAD;
Applications of EAD analysis and mining; Acoustic scene analysis in
EAD; Modeling and analysis of multidimensional EAD; Anomaly detection
in EAD; Collective analysis EAD / Crowdsourcing; Data mining and
machine learning on EAD; Deep learning for analysis in EAD;
Unsupervised learning in EAD; Data mining on dynamic, heterogeneous
and large-scale EAD; Real-world applications of EAD; Anthropic noise
estimation in EAD; Habitat quality and biodiversity estimation in EAD;
Surveillance applications of EAD.

An original challenge is offered on Alpin bioacoustics (11 categories),
applied to continuous sound recordings in an integral reserve.

Details :

All accepted papers will be included in the
proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Extended deadline for full paper : August 9.
Deadline for submission of runs by the participants to the challenge: Sept. 21.

Organizers :
Prof. Hervé Glotin, FR
Prof. Gianni Pavan,IT
Dr. Peter Dugan,USA
Dr. Zhong-Qiu Zhao, CN

EADM is supported by MI MASTODONS CNRS
H. Glotin
Univ. Toulon, IUF Paris, LSIS UMR 7296

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