Dear list,

I received more information since my last post. Here is the updated feedback.

Best regards,


~ FrontierLab Bioacoustic Audio Recorder:
. Comment #1
So, I couldn't speak for their efficacy in tropical conditions, but where I was using them was very wet, anything from freezing thick scotch mist to heavy rain for long periods of time; I was leaving them out for nearly a week in all conditions, and they kept working perfectly. I would say in heavy rain the background of the rain hitting the ground was pretty loud, but thats to be expected. Battery use was phenomonally good, exactly as claimed on the website. Even without upgrading the battery capacity they take 80 odd hours of recordings, we opted for the increased battery capacity, which put it up to 320 hours. And the really good thing is those values are as if it was recording constantly; when it isn't recording it seems like it barely uses any battery at all. The end result was that in 3 odd months I charged the batteries once, and they were only 2 thirds empty. Memory storage is down to what SD you put in it, and would really depend on how you use it; I was using 32gb SDs, and filled them maybe 3 times. It certainly isn't too demanding on memory, and you can adjust the quality. Weight and size are pretty good, you can get 3-4 in a good sized backpack, and they are pretty light; not too much of a hassle to carry round. The microphone quality is great, I had no problems with it at all. Obviously worth making sure they are good for what you need, but they are pretty high quality, clear recordings.

~ Arbimon Portable Recorder:
. Comment #1 from a student working in relation with Sieve-Analytics Company which produces the Arbimon device: "I recommended this recorders, there are light weight and practical to far away field work (I putted 14 recorders in my bag and walked for 4 or 5 hours per day). They had been mainly used in Tropical conditions (Puerto Rico, Colombia, PerĂº, Costa Rica, Brazil). The new generations of devices could recording for until 20 hrs (one minute each 10 minutes). The memory is expandable with a MicroSD at the capacity that you want (I thought just until 32 Gb, but the device came with a MicroSD of 16 Gb, which is a lot!). The Mic work well, but it can change if you are not completely satisfied."

. Comment #2 I am using Arbimon portable recorders in tropical marine and terrestrial studies. I work in Central America with marine mammals but I also do short-term studies in the rainforest of Costa Rica as part of my zoology field course. The recorders come in a waterproof case. I have exposed them to salt and rain with no issues. In terms of battery use is pretty good, I have the recorders running for two weeks and still have plenty of battery life. I think when charged properly these recorders can stay in site for over a month. In terms of storage is pretty good but of course it will depend of the recording settings you select. If you select the one 1 min every 10 min each day for 4 weeks the recorder won't have any issue saving this information. I am attaching the manual of the portable recorders that I use for you to check if further details are given. For my underwater studies I use the HTI-96min hydrophone and the for land the default microphone that comes with the recorder, both work well. However, I did noticed that in open areas you can get a lot of noise from wind. I will be happy so send you spectrograms of recordings made with this system.

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