Regulators, decision makers, public affairs officers, industry representatives, 
and other members of the international regulatory community have a high need 
for training materials on underwater acoustics as well as instructional 
resources that can be quickly accessed and viewed. To meet this need, the 
Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS; <>) 
Team is facilitating a free, five-part webinar series for the international 
regulatory community on topics related to underwater sound.

The first webinar in this five-part series was a great success!  Registration 
is now open for the second webinar in this series.  During this 60 minute 
webinar, Dr.’s Clara Amorim and Darlene Ketten will discuss marine animal sound 
production and reception.  Content will be derived from peer-reviewed research. 
 A period for question and answer will occur after the presentations have been 

This webinar will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2015, at 12:00pm ET.   
Interested individuals must register in advance for this webinar.  To register 
please visit: 

** This is a different registration method than that used for the first 
webinar. This form (linked above) will start the registration process. Once you 
submit the form you will receive an email to verify your address. Depending on 
your email system/local server securities, it may take time to receive the 
verification email. If you do not receive the verification email in 48 hours, 
please contact Holly Morin ( for help.

To learn more about this webinar series and view other, upcoming webinar dates 
and speakers, please visit the DOSITS webpage, Webinar Series for Regulators of 
Underwater Sound, 

 Questions?  Please contact Holly Morin at 

This webinar series is being sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute 
(API).  The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the only national trade 
association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas 

Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS; <>) 
is a comprehensive, educational website on underwater sound, designed to 
provide accurate scientific information at levels appropriate for all 
audiences, including decision-makers.

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