Dear all,
(Apologies for cross-posting, and please feel free to redistribute)

Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions on the evolution
and acoustic mechanisms of biosonar camouflage. The successful candidates
will join a research collaboration between the Behavioural Acoustics and
Sensory Ecology (BASE) lab, and the Bionanoscience and Auditory Mechanics
lab (both School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol) and the
Ultrasonic engineering lab (Mechanical Engineering, UoB). These are 35
month appointments funded by the BBSRC.

For details please visit:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,

best wishes

Dr Marc W Holderied
Senior lecturer
Admissions and Recruitment Officer for the Faculty of Science
Head of BASE lab
School of Biological Sciences
Life Sciences Building
24 Tyndall Avenue
Bristol BS8 1TQ
+44 (0)117 39 41190 (office), 41236 & 41237 (labs)

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