Sent on behalf of Renata Sousa-Lima (

1st LAMLA Workshop

“Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America”

21-23 June 2016, Natal, Brazil

We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming event "1st Listenning for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America" (LAMLA) to be held in Natal, Brazil between 21 and 23 of June 2016 at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Our aim will be to bring together researchers, professionals, and graduate students working on bioacoustics to communicate their work, network and interact with other researchers, and discuss directions for a coordinated regional bioacoustics network and collaboration, essential to strengthen both the scientific and conservation efforts on the species locally, nationally and internationally. The ultimate aim of the meeting will be to produce a document that compiles bioacoustics research efforts in Latin America and identifies future directions for developing the aquatic mammal bioacoustics field at a regional level. Findings, conclusions and action plans resulting from the workshop will be submitted for publication in LAJAM.

Please join us in order to:

· assess the effort to study sounds from all aquatic mammal species that occur in Latin America;

· share scientific information and methodologies between research groups;

·     enhance conservation efforts, locally and internationally;

· define a platform for launching new partnerships, activities or projects.

We would like to encourage anyone with interest in these studies to participate in our exploration of new effective conservation ideas and possibilities. Early registration deadline: 30th April 2016. Abstract submission deadline: May 5th, 2016.

Please don't hesitate to forward this message to colleagues or person you think interested but keep in mind work has to be conducted in Latin America, no exceptions.

If you need more information, please contact us at

Please visit the site to register and submit your abstract:

Looking forward to see you in Natal!

Best wishes,

Organizing Committee
LAMLA Workshop - Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America


*Dr. Holger Klinck*


Technology Director


Assistant Professor

Bioacoustics Research Program


Oregon State University and

Cornell Lab of Ornithology


NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

Cornell University


Hatfield Marine Science Center

159 Sapsucker Woods Road


2030 SE Marine Science Drive

Ithaca, NY 14850


Newport, OR 97365


Tel: +1.607.254.6250



Fax: +1.607.254.2460





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