Dear colleagues,

Professor Anirrudh Patel and I are seeking a Ph.D. student to bridge our labs and investigate behavioral and neural aspects of rhythmic and melodic processing in birds and humans. The Ph.D. position is in the Psychology Department at Tufts University (application deadline Dec 15th), and the work would be conducted in a dynamic research environment with opportunities to interact with researchers in cognitive science, neurobiology, and engineering/computer science.

The candidate should have strong quantitative skills, an interest in auditory or auditory-motor processing, and prior research experience with animal cognitive or neurobiological research. Prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to send a CV, short bio, and contact information for three references to Profs. Patel ( and Kao ( prior to applying.

Some relevant papers:
Bregman, M.R., Patel, A.D., & Gentner, T.Q. (2016). Songbirds use spectral shape, not pitch, for sound pattern recognition.PNAS, 113: 1666-1671.

Patel, A.D., Iversen, J.R. Bregman, M.R. & Schulz, I. (2009). Experimental evidence for synchronization to a musical beat in a nonhuman animal. Current Biology, 19: 827=96830.

Kojima, S., Kao, M.H., & Doupe, A. J. (2014). Task-related =93cortical=94 bursting depends critically on basal ganglia input and is linked to vocal plasticity. PNAS, 110: 4756-4761.

Kao, M.H., Doupe, A. J., & Brainard, M.S. (2005). Contributions of an avian basal ganglia-forebrain circuit to real-time modulation of song. Nature, 433: 638-43.

Application information:

Please feel free to share this ad to anyone you think might be interested in the position.

Best wishes,

Mimi Kao
Asst. Professor
Department of Biology
Tufts University

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