Dear Colleagues,

My Ph.D. dissertation on dolphin whistle classification and north Atlantic
right whale upcall detection is now available at the following link:
"Detection and Classification of Marine Mammal Sounds"

The following papers have been published from my Ph.D. program:

1) "Using local binary patterns as features for classification of dolphin
calls," *The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America*, *134*(1),
EL105-EL111, 2013.

2) "Sparse representation for classification of dolphin whistles by type," The
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (1), EL1-EL7, 2014.

3) M. Esfahanian, H. Zhuang, N. Erdol and E. Gerstein, "Comparison of two
methods for detection of North Atlantic Right Whale upcalls," *Signal
Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015 23rd European*, Nice, 2015, pp.

4) "Application of gabor wavelets and sparse representation for
classification of dolphin whistle," *2014 IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)*, Florence, 2014, pp.
6038-6042. "A new approach of classification of dolphin whistles"

5) "On contour-based classification of dolphin whistles by type," Applied
Acoustics, 76, 274-279, 2014.

Please read my Ph.D. dissertation and corresponding papers and please cite
them in your scientific papers as I critically need your citations in order
to continue my research and better serve the bioacoustic community.

Thank you very much and appreciate your help,



Mahdi Esfahanian, Ph.D.
Department of Computer and Electrical Eng. and Computer Science
Florida Atlantic University

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