The Navy Living Marine Resources (LMR) applied research program is seeking 
pre-proposals in three topic areas related to underwater sound produced by 
human activities and its effects on marine life.  Topics include: 1) measuring 
explosive effects to marine mammals, 2) understanding the range to effect to 
the behavioral response of marine mammals from sonar exposure, and 3) 
coordination for the advancement of density spatial modeling methods using 
visual and acoustic survey data. Potential applicants are encouraged to visit 
the LMR website,, for more 
information about the LMR program and the solicitation.  Federal government 
applicants are not eligible to submit pre-proposals under the Broad Agency 
Announcement (BAA), but will be able to submit pre-proposals directly to the 
relevant Navy statement of need by selecting Federal Government when 
submitting.  Academic, non-federal government, nonprofit, and private sector 
submitters should!
  select Private/Academia, when submitting their pre-proposal.  The need topics 
can be viewed within the BAA at,, or at All submissions must be made via the LMR 
website.  The solicitation period will close at 5:00 pm Eastern Time on 19 
OCTOBER, 2016 (see website or BAA for official dates and other guidance).

Anu Kumar
Program Manager
Living Marine Resources Program

Mandy Shoemaker
Deputy Program Manager
Living Marine Resources Progra

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