Dear Colleagues,

Oregon State University and Bio-Waves, Inc. is pleased to announce we have
space available for a hands-on workshop exploring the new and improved
detection capabilities of Ishmael, a free sound analysis software system.
The 2.5 day workshop will be held from Wed. January 18th - Fri. January
20th at the San Diego Supercomputer Center in La Jolla, CA.  Participants
are recommended to have a fundamental understanding of underwater sound and
sound analysis prior to attending this workshop.

There is no cost for this workshop, as it is sponsored by the US Navy's
Living Marine Resources Program, but only a few spaces remain.  Attached is
a flyer with additional information regarding this event.   If you are
interested in attending, please send us a brief description of your
experience and reason for interest in this workshop.  For further questions
and to reserve one of the few remaining spaces, please email Liz Ferguson


*Liz Ferguson*
*Director of Education*
(619) 459-2242

Attachment: OSU_BWI_Ishmael_Training_Jan2017v5.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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