Dear colleagues,

A new edition of OCEANOISE is about to be celebrated in Vilanova i la 
Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain from 8-12 May. Details can be found at

This is the second edition, after 2015, where scientists, industries, 
NGOs, regulators will all gather for a week to present the latest 
developments on ocean noise issues.

The format of the conference is designed to favour exchanges and 
discussions "while we are in the room", allowing further interactions 
during breaks and especially at the end of the daily programme, where 
wine-tasting accompanies poster presentations.

Abstract submission is open until April 15. These abstracts will allow 
authors to dispose of a 5' presentation during plenary sessions as well 
as to display their results on a poster. Most interesting abstracts can 
be integrated in the plenary chaired session programme. In any of these 
format presentations, only new developments and results are presented. 
This does not necessarily mean that these data or results would 
eventually be published. OCEANOISE is conceived as a platform to 
exchange progressing science.

Round tables will follow each session and their output will be published 
online, serving as an input to start discussons at the following editon 
of OCEANOISE. Previous conclusions can be found at

Come to join OCEANOISE this year, you will experience and enjoy a 
different way of interactions in a lovely Mediterranean city by the sea.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Vilanova i la Geltrú next May!

With warm regards,

Michel André, Peter Sigray & Tom Akamatsu

OCEANOISE2017 Conference Chairs

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