A special session on *Passive Acoustic Density Estimation*: Recent Advances
and Outcomes for Terrestrial and Marine Species “ is being held during the
upcoming 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America on 5-9 November
2018 to be held in the beautiful city of Victoria, British Columbia Canada.
  *Abstracts are due next Tuesday, the 29th of May*.

You can submit an abstract via this link:


Please indicate the “Animal Bioacosutics Technical Committee” in the
pull-down menu on the abstracts submission page and also which session you
wish to present your talk in.  Choose the following PACS (classification
number) *43.80.*Ka :  Sound production by animals: mechanisms,
characteristics, populations, biosonar. Please note that poster sessions
are not expected to be held for this session, so only submit an abstract if
you are willing to give a talk.

For more details on the meeting including travel, accommodation and
registration fees, please follow the link below:


I look forward to seeing (and hearing) many interesting talks
If you have questions about the session, please don’t hesitate to contact
Tom Norris
thomas.f.nor...@bio-waves.com <thomas.f.nor...@bio-waves.com>
(ASA Animal Bioacoustics Technical Committee &  Session Co-chair)


Tiago Marques (Session Co-Chair) University of St. Andrews

Tom Norris
Bio-Waves inc.

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