The Cornell Bioacoustics Research Program (BRP) will be offering a five-day 
introductory Sound Analysis Workshop at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in 
Ithaca, NY, USA, 15 – 19 October 2018. The workshop is intended primarily for 
biologists interested in analysis, visualization, and measurement of animal 
sounds. The workshop covers basic principles of spectrographic analysis and 
measurement of animal sounds, as well as specific tools and techniques in Raven 
Pro<>, a sound analysis application 
program developed by BRP. Further details about the workshop are available 

Two scholarship positions are available in this workshop for residents of low- 
and middle-income countries. Scholarships cover tuition for the workshop, 
morning and mid-day meals, lodging for six nights, and transportation to and 
from Ithaca. Applications for scholarships must be submitted no later than 22 
June. Further information about the scholarships, and application instructions, 
are available 

Russ Charif                                                            Cornell 
Lab of Ornithology
Bioacoustics Research Program                       159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.<>                               
            Ithaca, NY  14850

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