The Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS) program hosts a resource rich 
 aimed at introducing users to the science and uses of Sound in the Sea by 
people and animals, with specific sections on how marine mammals use underwater 
sound and the potential effects of underwater sound on marine mammals.

To highlight and engage educators with the resources, DOSITS is launching a new 
(and free) online Educator Professional Development Certificate program. We are 
inviting the first cohort of educators to participate in the online program 
over the Spring of 2024. The program will be limited to 20 formal (grades 5-16) 
and informal science educators. We encourage marine mammal specialists from 
aquaria and whale watch operations to participate!

To participate, please register using the link below.  Registration is open 
until Monday, April 1, 2024. We will be in touch by Thursday, April 4th 
regarding registration status. DOSITS Educator Professional 

Please note, we will host additional cohorts of education professionals over 
the next year, and we will reach out directly to registrants who were not 
selected for the first cohort when registration opens for the next program.

For details about the Professional Development content, please 


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