Dear all,

we are seeking a Post-Doc candidate to join our Bioacoustic and Sound Ecology group at the Institute of Polar Sciences (CNR-ISP) of Messina (Sicily - IT). The candidate will contribute to our research program, /KNOWhale – Knowledge improvement for the conservation of the endangered Mediterranean fin whale in Southern Italy/. This program focuses on studying the acoustic communication of the fin whale in the Mediterranean Sea.

The post-doc research topic is: *Underwater sound propagation study and assessment of noise impact on the acoustic communication of marine mammals.*

Candidates should have a PhD title (min. 3-year duration) and documented experience in at least one of the following fields: underwater acoustics, oceanography, modeling, or any other discipline related to the research topic.

The project is funded by Next Generation EU – Mission 4, under the call PRIN 2022 PNRR project n. P2022N9958. The fellowship will last for 17 months, with the possibility of renewal depending on the availability of additional funds and current law.

Application deadline: June 17^th , 2024.

Interview date: June 24^th , 2024

Start foreseen by the end of June 2024

Call text and forms here

English version here (Italian forms must be used for submission but personal information can be inserted in English and translated templates are available at the end of the pdf)

Thank you



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Virginia Sciacca, PhD
Spianata San Raineri, 86, 98122 – Messina

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Devolvi il 5×1000 al CNR
CF 80054330586

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