Dear Colleagues,

This year's 4th Biennial African Bioacoustics Community Conference is coming up 
this September.

The conference this year is to be held in Cape Town and will be a hybrid event, 
allowing for more attendees to hopefully participate, including those who can't 
make it to South Africa. It would be great to see some of you there either in 
person or online!

Please see the conference details below:

"African Bioacoustics Community Conference, 1-6 September 2024, The Breakwater 
Lodge (Cape Town, South Africa). It is a hybrid event, with an online component 
for those that are unable to travel and join us in person. It is a full 5-day 
conference with one day dedicated to workshops. The standard registration 
deadline closes on 31 July 2024<;!!Jh1S!hKgr858wUPfrnt7gXWnkf6sbzrMiokCmY17k6jb8JHwZ0zFChwC8H9fxaPVzQe_PhRGA1XDAhWtWq2iQag6mkZk$>"

This post is made on behalf of
Sasha Dines
PhD Candidate
Stellenbosch University, Cape Town // Sea Search Research and Conservation NPO 
// Core member of The SouSA Consortium

(+27) 79  1223150 //<><;!!Jh1S!hKgr858wUPfrnt7gXWnkf6sbzrMiokCmY17k6jb8JHwZ0zFChwC8H9fxaPVzQe_PhRGA1XDAhWtWq2iQZZcyQHc$>

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