On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Gordon K Smyth <sm...@wehi.edu.au> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> You say that the notes will be collated no later than Monday, but that
> suggests it could be earlier.  What's the latest day we can continue to make
> edits for NEWS.Rd and other documentation for the coming release?

Apologies for the conflicting dates. We will not collate the files
until Monday (April 1) so you have until then.


> Thanks a lot
> Gordon
>> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 13:59:17 -0700
>> From: Dan Tenenbaum <dtene...@fhcrc.org>
>> To: "bioc-devel@r-project.org" <bioc-devel@r-project.org>
>> Subject: [Bioc-devel] Preparing package release notes
>> Package developers --
>> Each Bioconductor release is accompanied by release notes that mention
>> new packages and other significant project developments. For the
>> forthcoming release we would also like to include release notes for
>> individual packages, so that users have an easy way to survey changes
>> in their favorite packages.
>> To have your package release notes made available in the Bioconductor
>> release notes, please arrange for your package to include a NEWS.Rd or
>> NEWS file that can be parsed by the utils::news function. We'll run
>> this command over all packages, using a 'query' argument that captures
>> all updates more recent than the start of the current release cycle.
>> For instance, Rsamtools in the devel branch is at version "1.11.27", so
>> we'll get news with
>>> utils::news(Version >= "1.11.0", "Rsamtools")
>> Changes in version 1.12.0:
>>    o   BamSampler draws a random sample from BAM file records, obeying
>> any restriction by ScanBamParam().
>>    o   bamPath and bamIndicies applied to BamViews returns named
>> vectors.
>>    o   completely free razip, bgzip files when done.
>>    o   sortBam, indexBam fail gracefully on non-BAM input.
>>    o   headerTabix on an open TabixFile no longer reads the first
>> record
>>    o   scanBcfHeader provides informative error message when header
>> line ('#CHROM POS ...') is missing
>> See ?news for more detail. We will collate these files no later than
>> Monday,
>> April 1.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
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