Hi Florian,

Yes we are trying to make things more uniform.  seqlevels() lets you 
rename as well as deactivate chromosomes you want to ignore, so it was 
really redundant with isActiveSeq().  So we are moving away from 
isActiveSeq() just so that users have less to learn about.  The reason 
why isActiveSeq was different from seqlevels was just because it was 
born for a TranscriptDb (which is based on an annotation database) 
instead of being born on a GRanges object.  So seqlevels was the more 
general tool.


On 09/13/2013 07:24 AM, Hahne, Florian wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> I saw these warnings in Gviz, but they stem from GenomicFeatures
> Warning messages:
> 1: 'isActiveSeq' is deprecated.
> Use 'seqlevels' instead.
> See help("Deprecated") and help("GenomicFeatures-deprecated").
> 2: 'isActiveSeq' is deprecated.
> Use 'seqlevels' instead.
> See help("Deprecated") and help("GenomicFeatures-deprecated").
> 3: 'isActiveSeq<-' is deprecated.
> Use 'seqlevels' instead.
> See help("Deprecated") and help("GenomicFeatures-deprecated").
> 4: 'isActiveSeq<-' is deprecated.
> Use 'seqlevels' instead.
> See help("Deprecated") and help("GenomicFeatures-deprecated").
> 5: 'isActiveSeq' is deprecated.
> Use 'seqlevels' instead.
> See help("Deprecated") and help("GenomicFeatures-deprecated").
> 6: 'isActiveSeq<-' is deprecated.
> Use 'seqlevels' instead.
> See help("Deprecated") and help("GenomicFeatures-deprecated").
> So has the whole idea of active chromosomes in the data base been 
> dropped? I could not find anything in the change notes. Do I get it 
> right that you can now do
> seqlevels(txdb, force=TRUE) <- "chr1"
> if you just want the first chromosome to be active?
> Florian

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