Thanks! I didn't see the test in test_IRanges-class.R. In the process
of moving things from IRanges to S4Vectors, I run into things that have
been written a long time ago. When the code looks kind of suspect, I try
to run it in various ways to check its behavior. I was doing this for
our internal utility rbind.mcols when I ran into this rbind,DataFrame
vs discrepancy. There are other problems with
rbind.mcols() and I might come back later about that.


On 04/30/2014 04:58 AM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
There is a pre-historic coercion in rbind,DataFrame that dates back to
XDataFrame that turns every combined column into the class of the column
in the first argument to rbind(). At least with Emacs VCS I couldn't get
it to go back far enough in the logs. There is a comment there that I no
longer understand and may no longer be relevant.

So I got rid of that line, and somewhat amusingly there was a test
almost *exactly* like your example except it expected the undesired
result. I think Patrick wrote it but it's been touched too many times
over the years to easily know, and I'm not sure what he was thinking.

Checked it in; we'll see how it goes.


On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:24 PM, Hervé Pagès <
<>> wrote:

    Hi Michael,

    I noticed this difference between DataFrame vs data.frame when doing

       > rbind(data.frame(aa=NA), data.frame(aa=1:2))
       1 NA
       2  1
       3  2

       > rbind(DataFrame(aa=NA), DataFrame(aa=1:2))
       DataFrame with 4 rows and 1 column
       1        NA
       2      TRUE
       3      TRUE

    If the DataFrame with NAs is put after the DataFrame with integers,
    things look better:

       > rbind(DataFrame(aa=1:3), DataFrame(aa=NA))
       DataFrame with 4 rows and 1 column
       1         1
       2         2
       3         3
       4        NA

    As a consequence, combining 2 Vector objects, one with no metadata cols
    and one with metadata cols, will loose the data if the object with no
    metadata cols is put first:

       ir1 <- IRanges(1:2, 5)
       ir2 <- IRanges(11:13, 14)
       mcols(ir2) <- DataFrame(score=2:0)


       > mcols(c(ir1, ir2))
       DataFrame with 5 rows and 1 column
       1        NA
       2        NA
       3      TRUE
       4      TRUE
       5     FALSE

    How hard it would be to bring the rbind,DataFrame method in line with


    Hervé Pagès

    Program in Computational Biology
    Division of Public Health Sciences
    Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
    1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
    P.O. Box 19024
    Seattle, WA 98109-1024

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    Fax: (206) 667-1319 <tel:%28206%29%20667-1319>

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Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:    (206) 667-1319

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