----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jonathan Rosenblatt" <john.ros.w...@gmail.com>
> To: bioc-devel@r-project.org
> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 10:39:57 PM
> Subject: [Bioc-devel] Contradicting descriptions of "Enhances"
> At the time of writing:
>  *Writing R Extensions:*
> "...the ‘Enhances’ field lists packages “enhanced” by the package at
> hand..."

This is backwards, maybe just a grammar fail? IMO it should say "the 'Enhances' 
field lists packages which 'enhance' the package at hand, if they are present."

> *Bioconductor:*
> "Enhances: is for packages such as Rmpi or parallel that enhance the
> performance of the current package, but are not strictly needed for
> its
> functionality."
> Have these definitions been resolved?

IMO R-exts should be corrected along the lines I suggest above (and R-devel is 
the appropriate place for such a suggestion); however, the text on the bioc 
site is also probably less than ideal (will confer with bioc core as to how to 
rewrite it). Rmpi and parallel are not _always_ "take it or leave it" packages. 
Other than the grammar blooper, R-exts goes on to give more detailed and 
correct information, the most important bit of which is that all invocations of 
packages in enhances should be wrapped in 

if (require(somePkg)).


> --
> --
> Jonathan Rosenblatt
> Postdoctoral Researcher
> Faculty of Mathematics and CS
> Weizmann Institute of Science
> www.john-ros.com
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