I used my unreleased rgtags package to search for references to setOldClass
in Bioc:

classes <- sub(".*\\.", "", methods(print))
defs <- do.call(c, lapply(classes, findDefinitions))
oldClass <- lapply(expr(defs), `[[`, 1L) == quote(setOldClass)

           tagname                                              path line
1             AsIs         BiocGenerics/R/S3-classes-as-S4-classes.R   20
2          POSIXlt                       gmapR/R/GsnapOutput-class.R   10
3             dist                       MLInterfaces/R/AllClasses.R  105
4             dist                 MLInterfaces/inst/oldFiles/INIT.R   15
5             dist                              graph/R/AllClasses.R   45
6             dist                           phyloseq/R/allClasses.R  151
7          formula                      biovizBase/R/facets-method.R   21
8          formula                         geeni/R/gdManager-class.R    8
9         function                               gQTLstats/R/allS4.R    1
10          hclust      MLInterfaces/inst/oldFiles/classInterfaces.R   16
11          hclust                               chroGPS/R/clusGPS.R    2
12          kmeans      MLInterfaces/inst/oldFiles/classInterfaces.R   17
13 numeric_version     AnnotationHub/R/AnnotationHubMetadata-class.R    3
14 numeric_version AnnotationHubData/R/AnnotationHubMetadata-class.R   12
15          prcomp                         MLInterfaces/R/clDesign.R   23
16          prcomp      MLInterfaces/inst/oldFiles/classInterfaces.R   18
17     sessionInfo                            GGtools/R/AllClasses.R    1

Note that POSIXlt, formula and function are already defined by the methods
package. I have removed the calls from gmapR and biovizBase, but the
maintainers of the other packages should be notified. It looks like "dist"
was a good choice, because it is in three packages. The rest of the classes
are somewhat specialized. What's the deal with AnnotationHub and
AnnotationHubData? I will run a similar analysis of CRAN.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Hervé Pagès <hpa...@fredhutch.org> wrote:

> On 04/01/2015 05:05 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
>> So this explains why I wasn't able to figure out how that package was
>> importing graph, and, yes, I also thought it was strange that graph did
>> not export it. The methods package explicitly conditions on the warn
>> level, so it is apparently intentional. It just looks in the global
>> class table for duplicates, so it does not pay attention to the
>> namespace. It's not clear to what extent the methods package assumes
>> that there are no duplicates in the class table; probably too much work
>> to fix.
>> As for sharing class definitions, perhaps the methods package should
>> define it. It already defines classes from the stats package, like
>> "aov". We could start moving more stuff from BiocGenerics to methods.
> Sounds good. The more upstream these class definitions are the better.
> Just moved setOldClass("dist") from graph to BiocGenerics 0.13.11 and
> exported the dist class.
> H.
>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Martin Morgan <mtmor...@fredhutch.org
>> <mailto:mtmor...@fredhutch.org>> wrote:
>>     On 04/01/2015 03:52 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         In the same way that we avoid having 2 packages define the same
>>         S4 generic function by moving the shared generic definitions to
>>         BiocGenerics, it seems that we should also avoid having 2 packages
>>         call setOldClass on the same S3 class. Like with S4 generic
>>         functions,
>>         we've already started to do this by putting some setOldClass
>>         statements in BiocGenerics (e.g. we've done it for the
>> 'connection'
>>         classes 'file', 'url', 'gzfile', 'bzfile', etc..., see
>>         class?gzfile).
>>         So if nobody objects we'll do this for the 'dist' class too.
>>         Then you won't need to use setOldClass in your cogena package
>>         Zhilong.
>>         You'll just need to make sure that you import BiocGenerics.
>>     This sounds like an ok work-around to me.
>>     For the hard-core...
>>     One thing is that this is not seen when the package is loaded by
>>     itself, e.g.,
>>      > biocLite("zhilongjia/cogena")
>>      > library(cogena)
>>      >
>>     only when loaded by BiocCheck (on the source directory)
>>      > BiocCheck::BiocCheck("cogena")
>>     * This is BiocCheck, version 1.3.13.
>>     * BiocCheck is a work in progress. Output and severity of issues may
>>        change.
>>     * Installing package...
>>     Note: the specification for S3 class "dist" in package 'cogena'
>>     seems equivalent to one from package 'graph': not turning on
>>     duplicate class definitions for this class.
>>     ^C
>>     This is because BiocCheck (indirectly?) Imports: graph. But the old
>>     class definition seems to 'leak' (even though graph is not on the
>>     search path, and the dist old class is not exported from graph, and
>>     BiocCheck doesn't import the non-exported dist class, and cogena
>>     doesn't Depend or Import graph!)
>>     Also of interest perhaps is that the Note is only printed when
>>     warn=1 (which BiocCheck also uses)
>>     (new R session)
>>      > requireNamespace("graph")
>>     Loading required namespace: graph
>>      > requireNamespace("cogena")
>>     Loading required namespace: cogena
>>      > q()
>>     (new R session:)
>>      > options(warn=1)
>>      > requireNamespace("graph")
>>     Loading required namespace: graph
>>      > requireNamespace("cogena")
>>     Loading required namespace: cogena
>>     Note: the specification for S3 class "dist" in package 'cogena'
>>     seems equivalent to one from package 'graph': not turning on
>>     duplicate class definitions for this class.
>>      >
>>         Cheers,
>>         H.
>>         On 04/01/2015 03:28 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
>>             Using setOldClass is generally fine. In this case, the graph
>>             package is
>>             already defining the dist class, so you could just import
>>             that. The graph
>>             package might have to export it though.
>>             On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Zhilong Jia
>>             <zhilong...@gmail.com <mailto:zhilong...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>                 Hi,
>>                 Here is the package.
>>                 (https://tracker.bioconductor.__org/issue1204
>>                 <https://tracker.bioconductor.org/issue1204> or
>>                 https://github.com/zhilongjia/__cogena
>>                 <https://github.com/zhilongjia/cogena>; ). When I
>>                 biocCheck it, there is a
>>                 note.
>>                 Note: the specification for S3 class “dist” in package
>>                 ‘cogena’ seems
>>                 equivalent to one from package ‘graph’: not turning on
>>                 duplicate class
>>                 definitions for this class.
>>                 In the source code, there are two R files are related
>>                 with this issue,
>>                 cogena_class.R
>>                 and
>>                 <https://github.com/__zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> __R/cogena_class.R
>>                 <https://github.com/zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> R/cogena_class.R>>
>>                 dist_class.R
>>                 <https://github.com/__zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> __R/dist_class.R
>>                 <https://github.com/zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> R/dist_class.R>>
>>                 in the R
>>                 dir. Here there is a dist slot in cogena class. In the
>>                 dist_class.R
>>                 <https://github.com/__zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> __R/dist_class.R
>>                 <https://github.com/zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> R/dist_class.R>>,
>>                 I use
>>                 setOldClass, but it seems it is not recommended by
>>                 Bioconductor.
>>                 How to repair this issue? Thank you.
>>                 Regards,
>>                 Zhilong
>>                 <https://github.com/__zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> __R/cogena_class.R
>>                 <https://github.com/zhilongjia/cogena/blob/master/
>> R/cogena_class.R>>
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>>     Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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> --
> Hervé Pagès
> Program in Computational Biology
> Division of Public Health Sciences
> Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
> P.O. Box 19024
> Seattle, WA 98109-1024
> E-mail: hpa...@fredhutch.org
> Phone:  (206) 667-5791
> Fax:    (206) 667-1319

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