hi Dan,

one question about this, just to know whether this is intentional or should be fixed. i have noticed that these short URLs:




resolve to


while the page is correct, should not they be resolving to an URL starting with 'www' instead of 'master'? i.e.,


this is really minor, but i think it may create confusion when one sees the same page starting with 'www' or 'master'.



On 04/28/2015 08:08 PM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Huber"<whu...@embl.de> To:
bioc-devel@r-project.org Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 3:17:03 AM
Subject: [Bioc-devel] Short URLs for packages?

I wonder whether it’d possible to have the website understand URLs
like http://www.bioconductor.org/<pkgname>

This could resolve to


depending on whether the package was yet released.

This could be handy in papers or grants that mention packages.

We came up with something close to this, but it does include the
/packages/ segment because we think that's important.


- takes you to the release landing page, unless the package is only
in devel, in which case it takes you to the devel landing page (which
will contain suitable warnings/instructions about installing the
devel version).

You can also specify 'devel' or 'release' or a numbered Bioconductor

http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.0/BiocGenerics/ ...

(The trailing slashes are optional in all of these).

These are redirects and not forwards; that is, if you enter one of
these short URLs, it won't remain in your browser's address bar but
will change to one of the longer URLs. So they are sort of ephemeral
in this way.

We looked into doing these as forwards (i.e., short URL remains in
address bar, but content from 'long' URL is served), which seems more
useful, but there were too many problems with that; it breaks
relative URLs and more importantly it breaks our mirrors which do not
necessarily have the same content root as our web site.

At any rate, the short URLs can be used in publications and other
sites, and they are useful as a permanent link to the current release
version of a package. We have added information about these short
URLs to the emails we send to new package developers, so that they
can use them in publications that reference their packages.

Thanks, Dan


---- Wolfgang Huber Principal Investigator, EMBL Senior Scientist
Genome Biology Unit European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany

T +49-6221-3878823 wolfgang.hu...@embl.de http://www.huber.embl.de

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