On 06/24/2015 10:42 AM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
In order for R to find those symbols reliably, you need to import
those functions into your NAMESPACE, and therefore you should ensure


that the Biobase package is listed on the Depends line of your
DESCRIPTION. Your package directly depends on Biobase, so there's no


  Imports: Biobase

and in the NAMESPACE


or selectively importFrom(Biobase, ...) would ensure that the symbols are always available in your package and would eliminate the note (which should really be stronger than that) about undefined symbols. Failing to import the symbols from Biobase is actually closer to an error in your current package -- a package Import'ing (not Depend'ing on) your package could invoke your function, but your function would not see the Biobase symbols it uses. Also, without import(Biobase) or importFrom(Biobase, ...) the user could define pData = function(...) {}, or attach a package that defines a pData function, and this would break your code.

Personally and more or less as a separate issue, I would Depends: Biobase (so arriving at the same solution as Michael) to communicate to your users / fellow developers that yes, they can expect to work with Biobase functionality when using your package. I'd do this even if I received a NOTE: about too many non-base packages is Depends:.


On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Ludwig Geistlinger
<ludwig.geistlin...@bio.ifi.lmu.de> wrote:
I'm surely not the first asking this question.
But as I did not find a clear answer to that (e.g. in the 'Writing R
extensions' manual or in the diverse posts on this), I risk asking it

As an example:

I'm dealing a lot with ExpressionSets (from Biobase) and
GeneSet[Collection]s (from GSEABase) in my package and they are in- &
outputs of my exported functions, so I want them to be available when my
package is loaded.

Thus, I would tend to put both, 'Biobase' and 'GSEABase', in the 'Depends'
field of my DESCRIPTION file and a corresponding 'import' directive in my

However, I do know that 'GSEABase' depends on 'Biobase' - so in order to
be not redundant and keeping the 'Depends' field as small as possible, I
could also remove 'Biobase' from my 'Depends'.

Now, everything still works fine (building, installing, and I still got
the ExpressionSets when loading my package), however R CMD CHECK now
*notes* on many occasions:

no visible global function definition for ‘pData’
no visible global function definition for ‘exprs’
no visible global function definition for ‘fData’

Ok, these are NOTES, but I assume they are there for a reason.
So, I wonder what a developer's best practice is on that - ignoring the
notes, adding all Biobase/ExpressionSet functionality via imports, or
indeed depending on both packages.


Dipl.-Bioinf. Ludwig Geistlinger

Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Bioinformatik
Institut für Informatik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Amalienstrasse 17, 2. Stock, Büro A201
80333 München

Tel.: 089-2180-4067
eMail: ludwig.geistlin...@bio.ifi.lmu.de

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