Hi Arne,

So this time when I look at the bioc-devel email list, I don't see a record for this last name (or this email). In fact the only way I could be sure it was you was that your post was the same... ;) If you want to post from gmail, then you will need to subscribe the gmail address to the list here:



On 06/30/2015 02:26 AM, Arne Müller wrote:

I think there’s a problem in UCSCSession initializer in rtracklayer:

setMethod("initialize", "UCSCSession",

           function(.Object, url =http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/";,

                    user =ULL, session = NULL, force = FALSE, ...)


             .Object@url <- url

             .Object@views <- new.env()

             gwURL <- ucscURL(.Object, "gateway")

             if (force) {

                 gwURL <- paste0(gwURL, '?redirect=anual"')


             gw <- httpGet(gwURL, cookiefile =empfile(), header = TRUE,


             if (grepl("redirectTd", gw)) {

                 url <- sub(".*?a href=h([^[:space:]]+cgi-bin/).*",
"h\\1", gw)

                 return(initialize(.Object, url, user=er, session=session,

                                   force=UE, ...))


             cookie <- grep("Set-[Cc]ookie: hguid[^==", gw)

             if (!length(cookie))

               stop("Failed to obtain 'hguid' cookie")

             hguid <- sub(".*Set-Cookie: (hguid[^==[^;]*);.*", "\\1", gw)

             .Object@hguid <- hguid

             if (!is.null(user) && !is.null(session)) { ## bring in other

               ucscGet(.Object, "tracks",

                       list(hgS_doOtherUser =submit", hgS_otherUserName user,

                            hgS_otherUserSessionName =ession))




Shouldn’t ‘…’ be passed to httpGet that in turn is passed to RCURL, I.e.

gw <- httpGet(gwURL, cookiefile =empfile(), header = TRUE,

                           .parseúLSE, …) ?

We run an internal instance of the UCSC genome browser and need to pass a
cookie to all http-requests. The problem is that

session =ew ('UCSCSession', url=myInternalURL, cookie=myAuthCookie)

Does not pass the ‘cookie’ argument to httpGet.



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