[CC'ing bioc-devel because this kind of thing often happens and the info below 
is generally helpful in these cases.]

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adam Mark" <adam.mai...@gmail.com>
> To: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtene...@fredhutch.org>
> Sent: Monday, July 6, 2015 10:19:46 AM
> Subject: Fwd: mygene problems reported by the "Build/check report" for BioC 
> 3.1
> Hello,
> I received notification about this build error in the mygene package.
> Nothing has been changed recently so I am not sure why this error is
> occurring. Could it be due to an update from other packages?

Yes, it is very likely that a change in one of the packages you depend on has 
caused this. Or possibly the udpate to R-3.2.1. What you should try and do is 
see if you can reproduce the problem, by installing the same version of R used 
on the build system (in this case 3.2.1) and updating all packages to their 
latest version. You can see what version of packages are installed in the build 
system by going to (e.g.) 
.. There is a link like this for each build machine. If you go to the main 
build report at http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/release/bioc-LATEST/ and 
then click on the number under "Installed pkgs" in the table at the top that 
describes each build machine you can get to the link that shows installed 
packages. Compare this to your sessionInfo(). 

You can now try and reproduce the problem. Install your package and stangle 
your vignette, then start R and source the resulting R file. 

Does it fail in chunk 4 like it does in the build report? If so, run 
traceback() and see where the error is.

Since your package failed in release, and bioconductor packages typically don't 
change much in release, I would suspect a CRAN dependency. Looking at the CRAN 
dependencies that you have, it appears that httr had a major (from 0.6.1 to 
1.0.0) update on June 25th. 

So the problem you are experiencing is either a bug in the new httr or some 
changed behavior that is perhaps documented in the httr NEWS file which is at 
https://github.com/hadley/httr/blob/master/NEWS.md .

If it's a bug you can report it at https://github.com/hadley/httr/issues .


> Adam Mark
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chunlei Wu < c...@scripps.edu >
> Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 8:26 AM
> Subject: Fwd: mygene problems reported by the "Build/check report"
> for BioC 3.1
> To: Adam Mark < adam.mai...@gmail.com >
> Hi, Adam,
> FYI. Any idea about this error?
> Chunlei
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:      mygene problems reported by the "Build/check report" for
> BioC 3.1
> Date:         Tue, 30 Jun 2015 11:13:17 -0700
> From:         bbs-nore...@bioconductor.org <bbs-nore...@bioconductor.org>
> To:   Chunlei Wu <c...@scripps.edu>
> [This is an automatically generated email. Please don't reply.]
> Hi mygene maintainer,
> According to the "Build/check report" for BioC 3.1,
> the mygene package has the following problem(s):
>   o ERROR for 'R CMD build' on zin2. See the details here:
> http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/3.1/bioc-LATEST/mygene/zin2-buildsrc.html
>   Please take the time to address this then use your Subversion
>   account
> when you are ready to commit a fix to your package.
> Notes:
>   * This was the status of your package at the time this email was
>   sent to you.
>     Given that the online report is updated daily (in normal
>     conditions) you
>     could see something different when you visit the URL(s) above,
>     especially if
>     you do so several days after you received this email.
>   * It is possible that the problems reported in this report are
>   false positives,
>     either because another package (from CRAN or Bioconductor) breaks
>     your
>     package (if yours depends on it) or because of a Build System
>     problem.
>     If this is the case, then you can ignore this email.
>   * Please check the report again 24h after you've committed your
>   changes to the
>     package and make sure that all the problems have gone.
>   * If you have questions about this report or need help with the
>     maintenance of your package, please use the Bioc-devel mailing
>     list: http://bioconductor.org/help/mailing-list/ (all package
>     maintainers are requested to subscribe to this list)
> For immediate notification of package build status, please
> subscribe to your package's RSS feed. Information is at:
> http://bioconductor.org/developers/rss-feeds/ Thanks for
> contributing to the Bioconductor project!

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