Thanks Kasper! Importing Iranges piecewise is difficult.

Michael, I did use importFrom(hash, …)

importFrom(hash, values, hash)

Also, this is just an example. Thanks for willing to add a function similar to 



From: Kasper Daniel Hansen 
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016 9:09 AM
To: Michael Lawrence 
Cc: Lihua Julie Zhu <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] namespace question

Of course, that depends on whether Julie actually uses hash::values or this is 
just trying to avoid a conflict.  Importing IRanges piecewise is ... probably 


On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Michael Lawrence 
<<>> wrote:
We should probably deprecate values(). It has long been superseded by
mcols(). But for now, it would seem pragmatic to importFrom(hash, ...)
since it has so few functions.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 6:54 AM, Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
<<>> wrote:
> Sorry. I meant values.
> replacing previous import ŒIRanges::values¹ by Œhash::values¹ when loading
> ŒCRISPRseek¹
> Best,
> Julie
> On 3/30/16 11:13 PM, "Michael Lawrence" 
> <<>> wrote:
>>I can't find the hash function in IRanges. Are you sure it has one?
>>On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 8:07 PM, Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
>><<>> wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>> I have the same user case as Kasper. Another example is that both
>>> and hash packages have hash. I need to use the hash from the hash
>>> instead of the one from IRanges.
>>> Best,
>>> Julie
>>> On Mar 30, 2016, at 7:57 PM, Kasper Daniel Hansen
>>> <<>> wrote:
>>> My usecase is when I import() two packages who has a conflict in a name.
>>> For example, both Biobase and matrixStats has both anyMissing and
>>> rowMedians. I am happy to get all of these two packages, but I need to
>>> resolve the conflict.  Since I want to keep the ones from matrixStats I
>>> need to figure out how to import Biobase selectively.  Which I can,
>>> the tools from codetoolsBioC, but I would also be happy with an
>>> importFromExcept(), which would make my life much easier.
>>> Best,
>>> Kasper
>>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Michael Lawrence
>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> I'm curious about which symbols you wouldn't want to import, and why.
>>>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
>>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there a function to import all the exported objects from a package
>>>> > except a few named ones in NAMESPACE file?
>>>> >
>>>> > For example, I would like to import all the functions in S4Vectors
>>>> > except fold. Is there a way to  specify this without listing all
>>>> > functions using importFrom?
>>>> >
>>>> > Many thanks for your help!
>>>> >
>>>> > Best regards,
>>>> >
>>>> > Julie
>>>> >
>>>> > ********************************************
>>>> > Lihua Julie Zhu, Ph.D
>>>> > Research Professor
>>>> > Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology (MCCB)
>>>> > Head of MCCB Bioinformatics Core
>>>> > Program in Molecular Medicine
>>>> > Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology
>>>> > University of Massachusetts Medical School
>>>> > 364 Plantation Street, Room 613
>>>> > Worcester, MA 01605
>>>> > 508-856-5256<tel:508-856-5256> phone
>>>> > (508) 856 5460<tel:%28508%29%20856%205460> fax
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
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