On 05/15/2016 02:20 PM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Cotton" <richiero...@gmail.com> To: "bioc-devel"
<bioc-devel@r-project.org> Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:45:09 AM
Subject: [Bioc-devel] \donttest and the "80% of man pages
documenting exported objects must have runnable examples" rule

I have a package with a lot of examples in exported functions
marked as \donttest.

BiocCheck doesn't count these functions towards the target of
having 80% of exported objects with runnable examples.  I do have
more than 80% runnable examples; it's just that BiocCheck can't see
them.  (For background, the package is mostly about file import,
and it takes a second or two to import the sample files included in
the package. Having examples that run for a couple of seconds is
fine for users, but makes package testing very slow (once dozens of
the example are run).

This check is considered REQUIRED to be solved, so I'd like to know
if it's OK to include an explanation about the use of \donttest
during submission, or if my pacakge will just get rejected

Ultimately, humans make all decisions about package inclusion. So you
will have a chance to discuss your package with someone.

Examples traditionally have dual roles in illustrating functionality and testing code. It would be particularly favorable if you could point to other parts of your package where the code was tested -- unit tests via RUnit or testthat being a natural place, see http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/unitTesting-guidelines/ -- and it's use illustrated -- vignettes or other examples.



-- Regards, Richie

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