On 01/17/2017 07:15 AM, Andrzej Oleś wrote:
Thanks Martin!

I see your point - then I suggest that at least the call to
`devtools::install` is guarded by a customized more informative error
massage, something along the lines:

Package 'devtools' missing: please install it (e.g., by a call to
`install.packages('devtools')`) and re-run your biocLite command.

I've updated the error message in 1.25.3; thanks for the suggestion.



On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Martin Morgan
<martin.mor...@roswellpark.org <mailto:martin.mor...@roswellpark.org>>

    On 01/13/2017 06:29 PM, Andrzej Oleś wrote:

        Dear all,

        it's great that for some time now `biocLite()` also resolves package
        dependencies for GitHub hosted packages. However, as this
        depends on devtools, an attempt to install a GitHub package when
        is not installed results in an error


        BioC_mirror: https://bioconductor.org
        Using Bioconductor 3.4 (BiocInstaller 1.24.0), R 3.3.2 (2016-10-31).
        Error: package 'devtools' not available: there is no package called

        If this is the case, one would typically need to first install
        and rerun the biocLite command. I was wondering whether it would
        make sense
        to modify the behavior such that before attempting to call
        `devtools::install` in


        first check for devtools availability and try to automatically
        install it
        if missing (maybe by prompting the user). What do you think?

    I'm not a fan of automatic package installation, e.g., because a
    user (e.g., me) might have a configuration of library paths that
    they are trying to maintain. This leads me down the slippery slope
    of not wanting to offer to install a package, either, because again
    the offer would be too narrow, some users (again, e.g., me) will
    reject it and prefer to have control, and so why not have a standard
    work flow -- user fixes package installation to their satisfaction
    and tries again -- rather than a conditional work flow.

    On the other hand the error message "package 'devtools' not
    available: there is no package called 'devtools'" seems to be poorly
    worded -- there is a package devtools, and it is available, just not
    in the current installation. One could try to provide a better
    message, but one would rather the message were improved upstream so
    all similar situations were handled the same; at least this way the
    user has to learn only once what the message means.



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