On 02/23/2017 03:19 PM, Creasy, Todd wrote:

I�ve been updating the svn repo with changes to BubbleTree
but it doesn�t seem like the nightly builds are picking up the
changes. I�ve changed the version in the description to 2.5.3. Is
there a reason it might not be getting updated?

On the build page for your package, e.g.,


check out to the left the 'Snapshot Date' and 'Last Changed Rev' / 'Last Changed Date' and at the top of the page 'This page was generated on...'

Basically, you need to be a little more patient. The builds occur at 'night' starting at about 5:15, and last until the next day mid-afternoon, about 16:12 for the builds that completed today. Your initial version bumps on 02-22 were at 16:09 and are reflected in today's builds; the bump to 2.5.3 was at 2017-02-23 14:34:46 so in time for tonight's build and a report (sometimes things go very wrong and there is no build report; this is not happening often these days) at tomorrow at around 4pm Eastern.



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