On 03/22/2017 11:08 PM, Alicia Schep wrote:

I have a two questions about the bioconductor build and BiocCheck process
when submitting packages.

1) My submitted package ('motifmatchr') returns the following warning on
the Windows computer:

Warning: file 'motifmatchr/cleanup' did not have execute permissions: corrected

How can this warning be averted?  How to give the file permission? I tried
fixing this issue by making the file executable on my computer-- on GitHub
it shows up as marked as "Executable File". This did not prevent the
warning though.

It seems like you've done the right thing and R is mistaken. It's also irrelevant, since you have a cleanup.win file that supersedes cleanup. Ignore the warning.

2) The same package also gives a warning in BiocCheck related to the
version of R required in DESCRIPTION.  As the package is currently hosted
on GitHub and tested against the current release of R using travis, I would
like the github version to have a dependency of only R 3.3 rather than R
3.4. Is it possible to have a different dependency for the R version on
GitHub versus on Bioconductor?

Certainly anything is possible, e.g., creating a release branch on github with a different dependency, but again I'd suggest evaluating whether the warning is relevant in your situation, and if not ignoring it.

From the Bioconductor perspective, the fact that your package builds on travis under an earlier version of R is unknown, so the assertion that it only requires R-3.3 is not supportable -- the warning tries to bring your version requirements into line with what we know to be true. Of course the assertion that it depends on a version of R > 3.4 is also not supportable.


Appreciate any guidance on these question.  Thanks,


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