
I am using Gostats to perform GO enrichment from custom list of genes and
custom annotations. My annotation file looks like this
head (geneGO)
      GOterm evi       GeneID
1 GO:0016020  ND PCHAS_010020
2 GO:0016021  ND PCHAS_010020
3 GO:0016020  ND PCHAS_010030
4 GO:0016021  ND PCHAS_010030
5 GO:0016020  ND PCHAS_010040
6 GO:0016021  ND PCHAS_010040

My hyperGtest result looks like this
>Over.bp.Phase_0_2 <-hyperGTest(params.bp.Phase_0_2 )
Gene to GO BP Conditional test for over-representation
228 GO BP ids tested (45 have p < 0.05)
Selected gene set size: 37
    Gene universe size: 1707
    Annotation package: Based on a GeneSetCollection Object
and my summary result looks like this

enrichgobp.Phase_9_12 <-summary(Over.bp.Phase_9_12 )
       GOBPID       Pvalue OddsRatio    ExpCount Count
Size                                              Term         V8
1  GO:0019362 4.441045e-05 17.239583  0.43350908     5   20
pyridine nucleotide metabolic process Phase_0_2
2  GO:0046031 1.163932e-04 22.370370  0.28178090     4
13                             ADP metabolic process Phase_0_2
3  GO:0006096 1.163932e-04 22.370370  0.28178090     4
13                                glycolytic process Phase_0_2
4  GO:0016052 1.163932e-04 22.370370  0.28178090     4
13                    carbohydrate catabolic process Phase_0_2
5  GO:0009185 1.604285e-04 20.121212  0.30345636     4   14
ribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process Phase_0_2
6  GO:0009135 1.604285e-04 20.121212  0.30345636     4   14   purine
nucleoside diphosphate metabolic process Phase_0_2
7  GO:0043436 2.085503e-04  5.450461  2.21089631     9
102                         oxoacid metabolic process Phase_0_2
8  GO:0006165 2.153810e-04 18.280992  0.32513181     4   15
nucleoside diphosphate phosphorylation Phase_0_2
9  GO:0051186 1.523968e-03  7.114211  0.88680352     5
42                        cofactor metabolic process Phase_0_2

what am I suppose to do, If I want to retrieve the geneIDs associated with
each GOterms. The other information about params is


Looking forward to hear from you.

With best regards, Amit

Amit Kumar Subudhi, PhD
Post Doctoral Research Scientist,
Pathogen Genomics Group,
Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
Level 4, 4326-WS10, Building 2,
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),

Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Phone: (+966 12) 808 0614 <+966%2012%20808%200614>, Mobile: (+966) 5
Email Address: amit.subu...@kaust.edu.sa

Amit Kumar Subudhi, PhD
Post Doctoral Research Scientist,
Pathogen Genomics Group,
Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
Level 4, 4326-WS10, Building 2,
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),

Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Phone: (+966 12) 808 0614, Mobile: (+966) 5 40375986,
Email Address: amit.subu...@kaust.edu.sa

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