On  1 September 2017 16:26, Hervé Pagès wrote:

> Hi Laurent,
> I just moved the Ontology generic from AnnotationDbi to BiocGenerics.
> This is BiocGenerics 0.23.1 and AnnotationDbi 1.39.3.

Thank you!


> Cheers,
> H.
> On 09/01/2017 06:31 AM, Laurent Gatto wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> It appears that at least two packages, AnnotationDbi and rols, define
>> the Ontology generic with the same signature
>>    setGeneric("Ontology", function(object) standardGeneric("Ontology"))
>> Could it be moved to BiocGenerics, please?
>> Best wishes,
>> Laurent

Laurent Gatto | @lgatt0

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