Hey Kasper,

- I really appreciate your help. Although it didn't help answer the
  question directly, I think it would still be necessary to clarify
  some facts:
1. I agree that using "non-standard fonts" could bring better aesthetics
   for a particular group of people -- maybe not everyone. But the
   "occasional" build problem should not be a reason why this
   personalization is discouraged. In fact, such build problem should
   not happen a lot (or, at all). I have been using such non-standard
   fonts for my 9 regularly updated R packages on CRAN since 2015, and I
   didn't encounter a single vignette build issue.
2. I've used BioCStyle since 2014, but eventually decided to switch to
   my own style years later because of the frequent build errors it
   caused back then. Maybe that's only my personal, limited experience
   (and I've seen the recent BioCStyle v2 got a lot of improvements),
   but this is the main reason why I trust the document style
   controllable by myself more than the other options.


On Tue, Sep 5, 2017, at 09:16, Kasper Daniel Hansen wrote:
> Build errors like these (related to processing of vignettes) happens
> occasionally.  I _strongly_ suggests not not using non-standard fonts
> or advanced layout features.  The small advantage of this (better
> aesthetics according to the package writer, but not always according
> to everyone who reads it) does not outweigh the disadvantage of
> package failure and associated time burden on the package authors and
> the build system / admins.  I strongly suggests using BiocStyle; I
> know that the layout doesn't agree with everyone, but (1) you can
> expect that the build system will support this and (2) aesthetics is
> highly personal anyway.> 
> Best,
> Kasper
> On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 12:38 PM, Nan Xiao <m...@nanx.me> wrote:
>> Dear BioC,
>>  - I see some very recent build errors for my packages (vignettes)
>>    which>>  use Google Fonts:
>>  pandoc: Could not fetch
>> https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Alegreya+Sans:400,400i,700
>>  TlsExceptionHostPort (HandshakeFailed Error_EOF)
>>  "fonts.googleapis.com">>  443
>>  For example
>> https://bioconductor.org/checkResults/release/bioc-LATEST/Rcpi/malbec2-buildsrc.html>>
>>  There were no such issues building these vignettes before, and
>>  I'm not>>  even sure if this is a new issue caused by Google or pandoc.
>>  Could you>>  please shine some light on this?
>>  Thank you,
>>  -Nan
>>  --
>> https://nanx.me
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