> I can reproduce the error with
> clusterExperiment/vignettes master$ R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C R -f 
> clusterExperimentTutorial.R
> leading to
> > ## 
> > ----recallRSEC------------------------------------------------------------
> > rsecFluidigm<-RSEC(rsecFluidigm,isCount=TRUE,combineProportion=0.6,mergeMethod="JC",mergeCutoff=0.05)
> Error in validObject(.Object) :
>  invalid class "ClusterExperiment" object: merge_nodeMerge must be data.frame 
> with 4 columns and column names equal to: 
> 'Node','Contrast','isMerged','mergeClusterId'
> Calls: RSEC ... .local -> new -> initialize -> initialize -> validObject
> Execution halted
> and then for work inside R
> clusterExperiment/vignettes$ R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C R
> Bioconductor version 3.6 (BiocInstaller 1.27.7), ?biocLite for help
> > source("clusterExperimentTutorial.R", echo=TRUE, max=Inf)
> Does that set you down the right path?
> Martin

Yes, thank you!!! I can get it in the interactive session now.

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