On 11/10/2017 02:14 AM, Alicia Schep wrote:
I have two new packages in latest release of Bioconductor, and am having
issues pushing to the git repo for one.  One was accepted when BioC was
still using SVN, and the other after transition to git.  I first entered my
ssh key info into the form with the github username, and got access to the
repo that was accepted after the git transition (chromVAR).  I noticed I
did not have access to the other repo (motifmatchr) and so entered the form
again with SVN username.  After that I had access to write to that repo.
However, now I can no longer write to the other repo (chromVAR).  How can I
get my ssh key tied to both repos I maintain?

both chromVAR and motifmatchr should now be accessible (using the ssh key associated with your github public key, which I believe is how you were accessing motifmatchr).

Sorry for the confusion,


Alicia Schep

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