The missing Windows binaries for devel are a known issue and have been 
discussed several times on the list:

The binaries have just become available in the past couple of days. The builds 
starting today should pick up the new binaries and be much cleaner. If 
variancePartition is still failing with the same error in the Jan 5 build 
report please let us know.


On 01/03/2018 07:40 AM, Hoffman, Gabriel wrote:

I am getting a dependency error in the development branch of my package 
variancePartition when Bioconductor builds my package.

ERROR: dependencies 'pbkrtest', 'lme4' are not available for package 

These are standard enough dependencies, especially lme4.  There is no issue on 
OS X or Ubuntu.  My R code has not changed since the Release branch, and that 
builds with no error.

Here is the devel page:

Is anyone else having issues on the Windows machine?

- Gabriel


Gabriel Hoffman, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology

Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai<><><>

1425 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10029

Icahn Building L3-70B


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