Dear list,

At the European Bioconductor Meeting in December 2017, a group of us 
decided to develop a common interface for interactive visualization of 
single-cell ‘omics data. Two months (and over 500 commits) later, we are 
proud to present the alpha release of iSEE, a package for interactive 
visualization of ‘omics (meta)data contained in a SummarizedExperiment 
(or SingleCellExperiment) object.

iSEE (“interactive SummarizedExperiment Explorer”) provides a flexible, 
powerful and reactive framework to examine reduced dimension results, 
column metadata, gene expression and gene-specific statistics. 
Functionalities include table-to-plot links for gene selection, 
multi-plot brushing relationships for subsetting and highlighting, 
adaptive panel placement and resizing, as well as code tracking for full 

iSEE is currently available from GitHub at and can be installed with the usual 
methods (i.e., via biocLite with devtools and R-devel). We would 
appreciate feedback from the Bioconductor community regarding bugs or 
(well-considered) potential new features, which can be raised as GitHub 
issues. We hope to submit to Bioconductor before the next release.


The iSEE team (Aaron, Charlotte, Federico and Kevin)

P.S. Yes, we will put in heatmaps eventually.
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