Thanks Nitesh for your quick reply!

> On 13 Feb 2018, at 16:47, Turaga, Nitesh <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that there are multiple levels of duplication on your repository. 
> You seem to have issued the “merge” with not the current bioconductor devel 
> but the (now deprecated) GitHub- bioconductor mirror, multiple times. Please 
> correct me if this is not accurate. I’m wondering why the merge was issued so 
> many times? 

could be that I pushed several time (wasn't aware of that) - eventually I was 
just puzzled that it didn't resolve the problem so I tried again...

> As far as the fix goes, it would take me a while to track down the “merge” 
> commits and then “cherry-pick" on to the master branch the commits that are 
> not duplicated. These seem to be stemming right from the beginning of your 
> development history. 
> The steps you need are:
> 1. Back up master branch (git branch master_backup)
> 2. Check merge commit SHA’s (git log --oneline maste)
> 3. Reset to commit before the merge, (git reset --hard <commit_SHA>)
> 4. Then, overlay commits on top that reset, with latest non-duplicated 
> commits (git cherry-pick <commit_SHA>)
> You’d have to repeat these steps quite extensively depending on how many 
> merges you have.
> Take a look at this manual as further help to do this, 
> Do these steps on your local repository and push to Github. Once you have 
> done that, let me know and I’ll take a look at your Github repo, and sync 
> with Bioconductor if history looks clean.
> If you are unable to fix the repo, then the best way forward it to remove the 
> pre-receive hook from your repository and deal with the history as is. This 
> will not effect your package in anyway, just that the git history won’t be 
> clean. 

honestly - I'm afraid my git-knowledge isn't good enough so that I can fix the 
duplicated commits (I think they still derive from the git git-svn setup). I 
could live with the git history not being clean. So, from my side, you could go 
ahead and remove the pre-receive hook.

funnily, I have also duplicated commits in ensembldb, but there I'm still able 
to push to Bioconductor git without problems.

best, jo

> Best,
> Nitesh 
>> On Feb 12, 2018, at 5:41 AM, Rainer Johannes <> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm unable to push my recent changes to FamAgg to the Bioconductor git repo 
>> (see below for the error message). I did try the suggested fix but without 
>> any success - seems the duplicated commits are in Bioconductor and not 
>> github.
>> thankful for any help or advise
>> The error message is:
>> macbookjo:FamAgg jo$ git push origin master
>> Everything up-to-date
>> macbookjo:FamAgg jo$ git push upstream master
>> Counting objects: 13, done.
>> Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
>> Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
>> Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 2.17 KiB | 2.17 MiB/s, done.
>> Total 13 (delta 11), reused 0 (delta 0)
>> remote: Error: duplicate commits.
>> remote: 
>> remote: There are duplicate commits in your commit history, These cannot be
>> remote: pushed to the Bioconductor git server. Please make sure that this is
>> remote: resolved.
>> remote: 
>> remote: Take a look at the documentation to fix this,
>> remote: 
>> remote: particularly, point #8 (force Bioconductor master to Github master).
>> remote: 
>> remote: For more information, or help resolving this issue, contact
>> remote: <>. Provide the error, the package name and
>> remote: any other details we might need.
>> remote: 
>> remote: Use
>> remote: 
>> remote:     git show 397d05e8ba7d301a9145573210c277f1c6dd66a5
>> remote:     git show 6a0c683477b78e231a7eb1b59171baa0bc582ef2
>> remote: 
>> remote: to see body of commits.
>> remote: 
>> To
>> ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
>> error: failed to push some refs to 
>> ''
>> macbookjo:FamAgg jo$ git show 397d05e8ba7d301a9145573210c277f1c6dd66a5
>> commit 397d05e8ba7d301a9145573210c277f1c6dd66a5
>> Author: Herve Pages <>
>> Date:   Mon Apr 24 19:50:57 2017 +0000
>>   bump x.y.z versions to odd y after creation of 3_5 branch
>>   git-svn-id: 
>> file:///home/git/
>>  bc3139a8-67e5-0310-9ffc-ced21a209358
>> index c9cb1b7..948b777 100644
>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>> Package: FamAgg
>> Type: Package
>> Title: Pedigree Analysis and Familial Aggregation
>> -Version: 1.4.0
>> +Version: 1.5.0
>> Author: J. Rainer, D. Taliun, C.X. Weichenberger
>> Maintainer: Johannes Rainer <>
>> URL:
>> macbookjo:FamAgg jo$ git show 6a0c683477b78e231a7eb1b59171baa0bc582ef2
>> commit 6a0c683477b78e231a7eb1b59171baa0bc582ef2
>> Author: 
>> <>
>> Date:   Mon Apr 24 19:50:57 2017 +0000
>>   bump x.y.z versions to odd y after creation of 3_5 branch
>>   git-svn-id: 
>> bc3139a8-67e5-0310-9ffc-ced21a209358
>> index c9cb1b7..948b777 100644
>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>> Package: FamAgg
>> Type: Package
>> Title: Pedigree Analysis and Familial Aggregation
>> -Version: 1.4.0
>> +Version: 1.5.0
>> Author: J. Rainer, D. Taliun, C.X. Weichenberger
>> Maintainer: Johannes Rainer <>
>> URL:
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