On 03/28/2018 11:51 AM, Hongxu Ding wrote:
Thank you Martin!

I made the updates according to reviewers' comments from Bioinformatics, so I would say these are "new features".

So does this mean I'm all set and the updates will be available on Bioconducotr for the next release?

yes the changes committed today will be available in the next release.



2018-03-28 11:45 GMT-04:00 Martin Morgan <martin.mor...@roswellpark.org <mailto:martin.mor...@roswellpark.org>>:

    On 03/28/2018 11:19 AM, Hongxu Ding wrote:

        Thank you very much Morgan! I followed your suggestions and
        solved the problem.

        I think the problem is the version is 1.1.0 on Bioconductor, and
        the version of my new update is 1.0.1. I bumped the version to
        1.1.1 and used *_git push
        g...@git.bioconductor.org:packages/iterClust.git master_* for
        updating my package:

        *Counting objects: 47, done.
        Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
        Compressing objects: 100% (27/27), done.
        Writing objects: 100% (47/47), 10.24 KiB | 209.00 KiB/s, done.
        Total 47 (delta 30), reused 31 (delta 20)
        To git.bioconductor.org:packages/iterClust.git
             d0a36e4..429821b  master -> master*

        Another question, what should I do to the release branch of my
        GitHub repository? Specifically, should I also push my updates
        to Bioconductor, and if so what version, e.g. 1.1.1 should I use?

    If your changes were 'bug fixes', then they would normally also be
    added to the release branch. If they were 'new features' then they
    would only be added to the master branch.

    The version scheme is outlined at


    for version number x.y.z, the rule is to increment z to z + 1. In
    release your package has version 1.0.0, so the release version will
    be 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ...

    There will be another release soon


    resulting in RELEASE_3_7 and version 1.2.0, and in master 1.3.0. We
    do the version bumps associated with the release.


        Thank you very much!

        2018-03-28 4:05 GMT-04:00 Martin Morgan

             On 03/27/2018 11:14 AM, Hongxu Ding wrote:

                 Dear Nitesh,

                 I think I have similar problem...

                 I tried to push some updates to Bioconductor using *git
                 master *and having the following problem*:*

                 *To git.bioconductor.org:packages/iterClust.git !
        [rejected]                master
                 -> master (non-fast-forward)error: failed to push some
        refs to
        Updates were
                 rejected because the tip of your current branch is
                 its remote
                 counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.hint:
        'git pull
                 ...') before
                 pushing again.hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards'
        in 'git
                 push --help'
                 for details.*

             This just looks like there is a change in the repository at
        git.bioconductor.org <http://git.bioconductor.org>
        <http://git.bioconductor.org> that is not

             present in your local repository. Did you try to

                git pull

             as suggested? Probably the issue is that the package has
        had its
             version 'bumped' for the last release

             iterClust master$ git log --oneline -n 3
             d0a36e4 bump x.y.z versions to odd y after creation of
             d1b1afa bump x.y.z versions to even y prior to creation of
             RELEASE_3_6 branch
             03daa79 20171005

             and you have not incorporated the version bump in your own
             repository. (consider also more informative commit messages).


                 My *git remote -v* output:

                 *origin  g...@github.com:hd2326/iterClust.git (fetch)origin
                 g...@github.com:hd2326/iterClust.git (push)upstream
                 g...@git.bioconductor.org:packages/iterClust.git (push)*

                 and my *git log --oneline** output*:

                 *da9b838 (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Merge pull
        request #2 from
                 hd2326/releasef0b0cab 1.0.2431f1a6 1.0.25b8334b
                 Merge pull request #1 from hd2326/mastera36f952
                 20171005df8e1d9 201709255a6f49c 20170925a396510
                 2017092553257c1 20170925bba0041 20170925d60f929
                 2017092523ed47b 20170908fe94a79 2017090854c939e
                 20170908feefc44 201709083905d52 2017090863a7b21
                 20170908fcdc396 20170908406d29b vignettescbf66ea
        doca24d4d9 updated
                 Detailed section2933f89 Initial commit*

                 Would you please help me on the problem?

                 Thank you very much!


                 2018-03-26 10:40 GMT-04:00 Turaga, Nitesh

                     Hi Yuande,

                     This is being blocked because you have completely
                     histories from
                     what you have on your Github to the Bioc-git repo. We
                     deliberately don’t
                     allow force pushing.

                     Are you sure you want to merge the unrelated
        histories? This
                     is important
                     to consider, particularly because we’ve had this
        problem of
                     packages having
                     duplicate commits.Please make sure your Github Repo
        does not
                     have any
                     duplicate commits. (“git log --oneline”)

                     If you think the Github repo is at a state where it
        needs to
                     synced to the
                     Bioc-git repo, let me know and I’ll take a look at
        it and
                     sync it for you.

                     Send me the link to your Github repo or just send
        me the
                     output to “git
                     remove -v”.



                         On Mar 25, 2018, at 11:55 AM, Yuande Tan
        <mailto:tanyua...@gmail.com> <mailto:tanyua...@gmail.com
        <mailto:tanyua...@gmail.com>>> wrote:

                         Dear All,
                         I tried to git push upstream master but I met

                         To git.bioconductor.org:packages/MBttest.git

                         ! [rejected]        master -> master

                         error: failed to push some refs to
        <mailto:g...@git.bioconductor.org <mailto:g...@git.bioconductor.org>>:


                         hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your
                         current branch is


                         hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote
                         changes (e.g.

                         hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.

                         Actually fixed merge conflict by using git add
        . and git
                         commit -m
                         "Resolved merge conflict by incorporating both

                         and git add ../README.md and git commit -m "add
                         README.md file."

                         I used git pull --allow-unrelated-histories
        origin master

                         and I got

                           From https://github.com/Yuande/MBttest

                         * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD

                         Already up to date.

                         I still did *~/.ssh*$ git push upstream master
        and I got
                         the same error

                         When I used *~/.ssh*$ git push -f upstream
        master, I got
                         "error: hook
                         declined to update refs/heads/master"

                         So how do I address this "hook declined" error?


                         Yuande Tan

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