
Our package clusterExperiment has suddenly started producing errors in the 
bioconductor devel branch because our unit tests are failing, even though we 
haven’t pushed any changes and they passed previously. We first noticed this on 
April 5th. 

I believe the source of these errors likely do to calls to 
SummarizedExperiment() creating the following messages due to conflicts in 
‘RNeXML’ and ’S4Vectors’ both defining class ‘Annotated':

> Found more than one class "Annotated" in cache; using the first, from 
> namespace 'S4Vectors'
> Also defined by ‘RNeXML’
This is killing a vast number of our tests where we repeatedly use 
‘expect_silent’ calls in our unit tests and SummarizedExperiment calls underlie 

We had this message issue two years ago 
(https://github.com/epurdom/clusterExperiment/issues/66), when it appeared to 
be a problem with two definitions of the ‘Annotated’ class in two packages that 
are both dependencies of packages we call. At that time, Michael Lawrence 
posted that he would fix the problem, and it was then fixed in later versions 
of bioconductor/R. But it appears to be back.  I am unfortunately unable to get 
the RNeXML package to compile from source on my computer with the current Mac 
OS X development binary which I just downloaded (2018-04-05 r74542), so I 
haven’t been able to completely redo the code that we presented in that earlier 
github issue to confirm it is the exact same problem. I am having to rely on 
the error reports/logs from both Bioconductor and TravisCI (e.g. 2018-04-07 
r74551), where this message shows up everywhere and didn’t before. Thus I’m 
guessing that since they are the same messages from before that the source is 
again the call to SummarizedExperiment. 

I would note that in development version 2018-03-22 r74446, where I was able to 
install all of the packages, I was not getting these messages. 

Elizabeth Purdom
        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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