Hi Levi,

Why not use devtools which already does this?  Setting `dependencies =
TRUE` installs the packages listed in Imports and Suggests, and
BiocManager::repositories() like BiocInstaller::biocinstallRepos() returns
a list of repositories.  See inline below:

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 4:51 AM, Levi Waldron <lwaldron.resea...@gmail.com>

> It would be useful to be able to use BiocManager to install
> the Depends/Imports/Suggests of a source package not on Bioconductor, e.g.:
> BiocManager::install("Bioconductor/BiocWorkshops")  #works but only if all
> Depends/Imports are already installed

devtools::install("Bioconductor/BiocWorkshops", repos =
BiocManager::repositories(), dependencies = TRUE)

> Also from a local package, e.g.:
> BiocManager::install("mypackage_0.1.tar.gz")  # or,
> BiocManager::install("mypackage")

devtools::install("mypackage_0.1.tar.gz", repos =
BiocManager::repositories(), dependencies = TRUE)
devtools::install("mypackage", repos = BiocManager::repositories(),
dependencies = TRUE)
devtools::install(".", repos = BiocManager::repositories(), dependencies =


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