Thanks so much Hervé! That appears to have solved the problem. And I will 
definitely keep in mind for the future Michael’s suggestion of duck typing for 
matrix-like objects. 

All of the best,

> On Oct 10, 2018, at 9:33 PM, Hervé Pagès <> wrote:
> Hi Elizabeth,
> I agree that the setClassUnion() warning is rather esoteric, especially
> the "consider setClassUnion()" part.
>  library(DelayedArray)
>  setClassUnion("matrixOrHDF5", c("matrix", "DelayedArray"))
>  # Warning message:
>  # subclass "DelayedArray1" of class "DelayedArray" is not local and
>  # cannot be updated for new inheritance information; consider
> Furthermore, showClass("DelayedArray") reports the correct inheritance
> information:
>  showClass("DelayedArray1")
>  # Class "DelayedArray1" [package "DelayedArray"]
>  #
>  # Slots:
>  #
>  # Name:        index delayed_ops        seed
>  # Class:        list        list         ANY
>  #
>  # Extends:
>  # Class "DelayedArray", directly
>  # Class "DelayedUnaryIsoOp", by class "DelayedArray", distance 2
>  # Class "matrixOrHDF5", by class "DelayedArray", distance 2
>  # Class "DelayedUnaryOp", by class "DelayedArray", distance 3
>  # Class "DelayedOp", by class "DelayedArray", distance 4
>  # Class "Array", by class "DelayedArray", distance 5
> As well as extends():
>  extends("DelayedArray1")
>  # [1] "DelayedArray1"     "DelayedArray"      "DelayedUnaryIsoOp"
>  # [4] "matrixOrHDF5"      "DelayedUnaryOp"    "DelayedOp"
>  # [7] "Array"
>  extends("DelayedArray", "matrixOrHDF5")
>  # [1] TRUE
>  extends("DelayedArray1", "DelayedArray")
>  # [1] TRUE
>  extends("DelayedArray1", "matrixOrHDF5")
>  # [1] TRUE
> So it might just be a spurious warning :-/
> Anyway, I've exported the DelayedArray1 class in DelayedArray 0.7.48:
> No more warning with this version:
>  library(DelayedArray)
>  setClassUnion("matrixOrHDF5", c("matrix", "DelayedArray"))
> Cheers,
> H.
> On 10/10/2018 11:51 AM, Elizabeth Purdom wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using `setClassUnion` in my package `clusterExperiment` in the 
>> following code to allow for either matrix or DelayedArray:
>> setClassUnion("matrixOrHDF5",members=c("matrix", "DelayedArray"))
>> This causes the following warning in checking my package:
>> Warning: subclass "DelayedArray1" of class "DelayedArray" is not local and 
>> cannot be updated for new inheritance information; consider setClassUnion()
>> I’ve gotten this warning in other settings, and I believe it is due to the 
>> fact that setClassUnion works on the subclasses of the members, so if you 
>> give the argument `members=c(“X”,”Y”)` and you haven’t imported into your 
>> package all of the subclasses of “X” and “Y” it is warning you those 
>> non-imported classes haven’t been dealt with (though if so, I’d say the 
>> warning is awfully cryptic, especially since it says to use `setClassUnion` 
>> as a solution). In my other cases, I have just gone ahead and imported all 
>> of the subclasses from the package that defines the member classes and have 
>> gotten rid of the message (in the past it hasn’t been so many). But 
>> “DelayedArray1” is not an exported class of the DelayedArray package so that 
>> is not an option here.
>> I have been just ignoring this warning, since I understand (I think) the 
>> warning, I can’t do anything about it, and am not concerned about it since 
>> this new class is only used internally by my function for the slot 
>> definition. And I don’t think the user sees this generally. But given that 
>> we’re coming up on a release I thought I would ask if there’s anything I can 
>> do to get rid of this warning! Or can I go with my first instinct and safely 
>> ignore it?
>> Thanks,
>> Elizabeth Purdom
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> -- 
> Hervé Pagès
> Program in Computational Biology
> Division of Public Health Sciences
> Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
> P.O. Box 19024
> Seattle, WA 98109-1024
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