Along like the lines of Martin Morgan's comment, simpler signatures
mean simpler software. We can typically limit to single dispatch, and
it indicates how the generic is _meant_ to be used, separating the
data arguments from the modulating accessory parameters. I'm not sure
how valuable dispatching on the "missing" class is, as it encourages
telescoping method dispatch, which is not always the clearest mode of


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 11:38 AM Martin Morgan <> wrote:
> Multiple dispatch also makes it difficult to reason about method selection, 
> at least for me.
> > setGeneric(f, function(a, b, c) standardGeneric("f"))
> [1] "f"
> > setMethod(f, c(b="missing"), function(a, b, c) {})
> > setMethod(f, c(c="missing"), function(a, b, c) {})
> > f()
> Note: method with signature 'ANY#missing#ANY' chosen for function 'f',
>  target signature 'missing#missing#missing'.
>  "ANY#ANY#missing" would also be valid
> I believe these rules are also sensitive to other packages that are 
> installed, and one ends up implementing methods for the exact signature one 
> wishes to support, rather than allowing any kind of inheritance / dispatch.
> Martin Morgan
> On 1/29/19, 12:10 PM, "Bioc-devel on behalf of Pages, Herve" 
> < on behalf of> wrote:
>     Hi Martin.
>     Speed is not the concern: I just did some quick benchmarking and didn't
>     observe any significant difference in method dispatch performance after
>     doing setGeneric("toto", function(x, a=0, b=0, c=0)
>     standardGeneric("toto")) vs doing setGeneric("toto", signature="x",
>     function(x, a=0, b=0, c=0) standardGeneric("toto")).
>     Here is the real concern to me:
>     Aliases of the form \alias{colSums,dgCMatrix,ANY,ANY-method} are a real
>     pain to maintain. It's also a pain for the end user to have to do
>     ?`colSums,dgCMatrix,ANY,ANY-method` to access the man page for a
>     particular method. I know Matrix uses "short" aliases i.e. aliases of
>     the form \alias{colSums,dgCMatrix-method} so the user only needs to do
>     ?`colSums,dgCMatrix-method` but there is a lot of fragility to the
>     situation.
>     Here is why: The exact form that needs to be used for these aliases can
>     change anytime depending on what happens in one of the upstream packages
>     (not a concern for the Matrix package because no upstream package
>     defines colSums methods). More precisely: If all the colSums methods
>     defined in the upstream packages and in my own package are defined with
>     setMethod statements of the form:
>         setMethod("colSums", signature(x="SomeClass"), ...)
>     then the aliases in the man pages must be of the form
>     \alias{colSums,SomeClass-method} and the end user can just do
>     ?`colSums,SomeClass-method`, which is good. But if **one** upstream
>     package decides to use a setMethod statement of the form:
>        setMethod("colSums", signature(x="SomeClass", na.rm="ANY",
>     dims="ANY"), ...)
>     then the aliases for **all** the colSums methods in **all** the
>     downstream packages now must be of the form
>     \alias{colSums,SomeOtherClass,ANY,ANY-method}, even if the method for
>     SomeOtherClass is defined with signature(x="SomeOtherClass"). Also, as a
>     consequence, now the end user has to use the long syntax to access the
>     man pages for these methods. And if later the author of the upstream
>     package decides to switch back to the setMethod("colSums",
>     signature(x="SomeClass"), ...) form, then I have to switch back all the
>     aliases in all my downstream packages to the short form again!
>     This fragility of the alias syntax was one of the motivations for me to
>     put many setGeneric statements of the form setGeneric("someGeneric",
>     signature="x") in BiocGenerics over the years. So I don't have many
>     dozens of aliases that suddenly break for mysterious reasons ('R CMD
>     check' would suddenly starts reporting warnings for these aliases
>     despite no changes in my package or in R).
>     Best,
>     H.
>     On 1/29/19 03:16, Martin Maechler wrote:
>     >>>>>> Michael Lawrence
>     >>>>>>      on Mon, 28 Jan 2019 20:47:58 -0800 writes:
>     >      > That will have some consequences; for example,
>     >      > documentation aliases will need to change. Not sure how
>     >      > many packages will need to be fixed outside of Matrix, but
>     >      > it's not an isolated change. Martin might comment on the
>     >      > rationale for the full signature, since he defined those
>     >      > generics.
>     >
>     >      > On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 7:21 PM Pages, Herve
>     >      > <> wrote:
>     >      >>
>     >      >> Actually there is a 4th solution which is to modify the
>     >      >> definition of the implicit generics in the methods
>     >      >> package (file makeBasicFunsList.R) to make them dispatch
>     >      >> on their 1st arg only. Should be easy. Then no package
>     >      >> will need to use a setGeneric statement
>     >      >> anymore. Everybody will automatically get a clean
>     >      >> implicit generic. Including the Matrix package which
>     >      >> shouldn't need to be touched (except maybe for some
>     >      >> aliases in its man page that might need to be changed
>     >      >> from \alias{colSums,dgCMatrix,ANY,ANY-method} to
>     >      >> \alias{colSums,dgCMatrix-method}).
>     >      >>
>     >      >> Anybody wants to try to make a patch for this?
>     >
>     >      >> H.
>     >
>     > I've already replied without having read the above two messages.
>     > In my reply I had indeed more or less argued as Hervé does above.
>     >
>     > Michael, Hervé, .. : Why is it really so much better to disallow
>     > dispatch for the other compulsory arguments?
>     > Dispatch there allows to use methods for class "missing" which
>     > is nicer in my eyes than the traditional default argument + missing() 
> "tricks".
>     >
>     > Is it mainly speed you are concerned about.  If yes, do we have
>     > data (and data analysis) about performance here?
>     >
>     > Martin
>     >
>     >      >>
>     >      >> On 1/28/19 19:00, Michael Lawrence wrote: > I agree (2)
>     >      >> is a good compromise. CC'ing Martin for his perspective.
>     >      >> >
>     >      >> > Michael
>     >      >> >
>     >      >> > On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 6:58 PM Pages, Herve
>     >      >> <> wrote: >> Hi Aaron,
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> The 4 matrix summarization generics currently defined
>     >      >> in BiocGenerics >> are defined as followed:
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> setGeneric("rowSums", signature="x") >>
>     >      >> setGeneric("colSums", signature="x") >>
>     >      >> setGeneric("rowMeans", signature="x") >>
>     >      >> setGeneric("colMeans", signature="x")
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> The only reason for having these definitions in
>     >      >> BiocGenerics is to >> restrict dispatch the first
>     >      >> argument. This is cleaner than what we would >> get with
>     >      >> the implicit generics where dispatch is on all arguments
>     >      >> (it >> doesn't really make sense to dispatch on toggles
>     >      >> like 'na.rm' or >> 'dims'). Sticking to simple dispatch
>     >      >> when possible makes life easier for >> the developer
>     >      >> (especially in times of troubleshooting) and for the user
>     >      >> >> (methods are easier to discover and their man pages
>     >      >> easier to access).
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> However, the 4 statements above create new generics
>     >      >> that mask the >> implicit generics defined in the Matrix
>     >      >> package (Matrix doesn't contain >> any setGeneric
>     >      >> statements for these generics, only setMethod >>
>     >      >> statements). This is a very unsatisfying situation and it
>     >      >> has hit me >> repeatedly over the last couple of years.
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> We have basically 3 ways to go. From simpler to more
>     >      >> complicated:
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> 1) Give up on single dispatch for these generics. That
>     >      >> is, we remove the >> 4 statements above from
>     >      >> BiocGenerics. Then we use setMethod() in package >> code
>     >      >> like Matrix does.
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> 2) Convince the Matrix folks to put the 4 statements
>     >      >> above in Matrix.  >> Then any BioC package that needs to
>     >      >> define methods for these generics >> would just need to
>     >      >> import them from the Matrix package. Maybe we could >>
>     >      >> even push this one step further by having BiocGenerics
>     >      >> import and >> re-export these generics. This would make
>     >      >> them "available" in BioC as >> soon as the BiocGenerics
>     >      >> is loaded (and any package that needs to define >>
>     >      >> methods on them would just need to import them from
>     >      >> BiocGenerics).
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> 3) Put the 4 statements above in a MatrixGenerics
>     >      >> package. Then convince >> the Matrix folks to define
>     >      >> methods on the generics defined in >>
>     >      >> MatrixGenerics. Very unlikely to happen!
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> IMO 2) is the best compromise. Want to give it a shot?
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> H.
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> On 1/27/19 13:45, Aaron Lun wrote: >>> This is a
>     >      >> resurrection of some old threads:
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> 
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> 
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> For those who are unfamiliar with this, the basic
>     >      >> issue is that various >>> Matrix and BiocGenerics
>     >      >> functions mask each other. This is mildly >>> frustrating
>     >      >> in interactive sessions:
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>>> library(Matrix) >>>> library(DelayedArray) >>>> x <-
>     >      >> rsparsematrix(10, 10, 0.1) >>>> colSums(x) # fails >>>>
>     >      >> Matrix::colSums(x) # okay >>> ... but quite annoying
>     >      >> during package development, requiring code like >>> this:
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> if (is(x, "Matrix")) { >>> z <- Matrix::colSums(x)
>     >      >> >>> } else { >>> z <- colSums(x) # assuming DelayedArray
>     >      >> does the masking.  >>> }
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> ... which defeats the purpose of using S4 dispatch in
>     >      >> the first place.
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> I have been encountering this issue with increasing
>     >      >> frequency in my >>> packages, as a lot of my code base
>     >      >> needs to be able to interface with >>> both Matrix and
>     >      >> Bioconductor objects (e.g., DelayedMatrices) at the >>>
>     >      >> same time. What needs to happen so that I can just write:
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> z <- colSums(x)
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> ... and everything will work for both Matrix and
>     >      >> Bioconductor classes?  >>> It seems that many of these
>     >      >> function names are implicit generics >>> anyway, can
>     >      >> BiocGenerics take advantage of that for the time being?
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> Best,
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> Aaron
>     >      >> >>>
>     >      >> >>> _______________________________________________ >>>
>     >      >> mailing list >>>
>     >      >> 
>     >      >> >> --
>     >      >> >> Hervé Pagès
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> Program in Computational Biology >> Division of Public
>     >      >> Health Sciences >> Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
>     >      >> >> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514 >> P.O. Box 19024 >>
>     >      >> Seattle, WA 98109-1024
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> E-mail: >> Phone: (206) 667-5791
>     >      >> >> Fax: (206) 667-1319
>     >      >> >>
>     >      >> >> _______________________________________________ >>
>     >      >> mailing list >>
>     >      >> 
>     >      >>
>     >      >> --
>     >      >> Hervé Pagès
>     >      >>
>     >      >> Program in Computational Biology Division of Public
>     >      >> Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
>     >      >> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514 P.O. Box 19024 Seattle, WA
>     >      >> 98109-1024
>     >      >>
>     >      >> E-mail: Phone: (206) 667-5791 Fax:
>     >      >> (206) 667-1319
>     >      >>
>     --
>     Hervé Pagès
>     Program in Computational Biology
>     Division of Public Health Sciences
>     Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
>     1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
>     P.O. Box 19024
>     Seattle, WA 98109-1024
>     E-mail:
>     Phone:  (206) 667-5791
>     Fax:    (206) 667-1319
>     _______________________________________________
> mailing list

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