Hi Herv�,

My apologies but I don't think I follow your approach. I have put your code 
below into a utils.R script in ewceData:

   .my_internal_global_variables <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

   .get_eh <- function() get("eh", envir=.my_internal_global_variables)
   .set_eh <- function(value) assign("eh", value,

   get_ExperimentHub <- function()
     eh <- try(.get_eh(), silent=TRUE)
     if (inherits(eh, "try-error")) {
       eh <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()

Then in EWCE, I have made a script for each dataset containing the function you 
outlined. Note I had to use ewceData:::get_ExperimentHub to access the 
function, not sure if this is wrong by me up to this point:

## Exported.
tt_alzh <- function()
  eh <- ewceData:::get_ExperimentHub()

Lastly to call a dataset I simply use tt_alzh(). However, now when I run a test 
script I believe the eh statement is being repeatedly called still as I get 
multiple warnings and the runtime doesn't improve any.

Sorry again if I have misinterpreted your approach.

Kind regards,
From: Herv� Pag�s <hpages.on.git...@gmail.com>
Sent: 23 March 2021 19:08
To: Murphy, Alan E <a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk>; Martin Morgan 
<mtmorgan.b...@gmail.com>; Kern, Lori <lori.sheph...@roswellpark.org>; 
bioc-devel@r-project.org <bioc-devel@r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] Methods to speed up R CMD Check

Doesn't really matter where you put them but
.my_internal_global_variables, .get_eh(), .set_eh(), and toto() don't
need to be defined inside the .onLoad() hook, and it's actually
cleaner/easier to not define them there. You can define there anywhere
in your ewceData/R/* files.

Here is a slightly improved version of the code:

   .my_internal_global_variables <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

   .get_eh <- function() get("eh", envir=.my_internal_global_variables)
   .set_eh <- function(value) assign("eh", value,

   get_ExperimentHub <- function()
     eh <- try(.get_eh(), silent=TRUE)
     if (inherits(eh, "try-error")) {
       eh <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()

In my packages I like to put this kind of low-level stuff in R/utils.R.
None of this is exported.

Then anywhere in your package when you need an ExperimentHub instance, do:

   ## Exported.
   tt_alzh <- function()
     eh <- get_ExperimentHub()


On 3/23/21 10:53 AM, Murphy, Alan E wrote:
> HeyHerv�,
> Thanks for this it is very helpful and I'm very sorry but I have one
> more question, where to put option 3? I thought making an onload r
> script for it:
> .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
>    .my_internal_global_variables <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
>    .get_eh <- function() get("eh", envir=.my_internal_global_variables)
>    .set_eh <- function(value) assign("eh", value,
>                                      envir=.my_internal_global_variables)
>    toto <- function()
>    {
>      eh <- try(.get_eh(), silent=TRUE)
>      if (inherits(eh, "try-error")) {
>        eh <- ExperimentHub()
>        .set_eh(eh)
>      }
>      eh
>    }
>    toto()
> }
> This seems to work in that the script runs (I can tell based on the
> output with devtools::check()) but I still get an error that eh doesn't
> exist in my test functions.
> Kind regards,
> Alan.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Herv� Pag�s <hpages.on.git...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* 23 March 2021 17:31
> *To:* Murphy, Alan E <a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk>; Martin Morgan
> <mtmorgan.b...@gmail.com>; Kern, Lori <lori.sheph...@roswellpark.org>;
> bioc-devel@r-project.org <bioc-devel@r-project.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Bioc-devel] Methods to speed up R CMD Check
> 3 ways to do this, one that doesn't work, and two that work ;-)
> 1. Simple way that doesn't work:
>     ## Just a place holder. Will be initialized at run-time the first
>     ## time it's needed.
>     .some_internal_global_variable <- NULL
>     toto <- function()
>     {
>       if (is.null(.some_global_variable))
>           .some_internal_global_variable <<- 55L
>     }
>     However, if you put this in your package, you'll get the following
>     error the first time toto() is called:
>       cannot change value of locked binding for
> '.some_internal_global_variable'
> 2. Simple way that works: initialize the global variable in the
>      .onLoad() hook. This works because the .onLoad() hook is executed
>      right before the package namespace gets locked.
>     ## Just a place holder. Will be initialized at load-time.
>     .some_internal_global_variable <- NULL
>     .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
>     {
>       .some_internal_global_variable <<- 55L
>     }
>     However, I don't really like using this approach when initialization
>     of the global variable requires access to the internet. It means that
>     in case of connectivity issue your users won't be able to load the
>     package and troubleshooting can become really tricky when you can't
>     even load a package. So in that case I prefer the solution below.
> 3. Define the internal global variable in an environment:
>     .my_internal_global_variables <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
>     .get_eh <- function() get("eh", envir=.my_internal_global_variables)
>     .set_eh <- function(value) assign("eh", value,
> envir=.my_internal_global_variables)
>     toto <- function()
>     {
>       eh <- try(.get_eh(), silent=TRUE)
>       if (inherits(eh, "try-error")) {
>         eh <- ExperimentHub()
>         .set_eh(eh)
>       }
>       eh
>     }
> Hope this helps,
> H.
> On 3/23/21 10:05 AM, Murphy, Alan E wrote:
>> Hey Herv�,
>> I get the idea now thanks for clarifying. Where do I place the call to
>> ExperimentHub in the package?:
>> eh <- ExperimentHub()  # the only call to ExperimentHub() in
>>                            # the entire R session
>> The package contains calls to the datasets in internal functions,
>> examples, tests and the vignette so eh it would need to be available to
>> all. Sorry I don't have much experience using experiment datasets.
>> Kind regards,
>> Alan.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Herv� Pag�s <hpages.on.git...@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* 23 March 2021 16:46
>> *To:* Murphy, Alan E <a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk>; Martin Morgan
>> <mtmorgan.b...@gmail.com>; Kern, Lori <lori.sheph...@roswellpark.org>;
>> bioc-devel@r-project.org <bioc-devel@r-project.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: [Bioc-devel] Methods to speed up R CMD Check
>> *******************
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>> On 3/23/21 4:11 AM, Murphy, Alan E wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thank you very much Martin and Herv� for your suggestions. I have reverted 
>>> my zzz.R on load function to that advised by ExperimentHub and had used the 
>>> ID look up (system.time(tt_alzh <- eh[["EH5373"]])) on internal functions 
>>> and unit tests. However, the  check  is still taking ~18 minutes so I need 
>>> to do a bit more work.
> Even with
>> my new on load function, calling datasets by name still takes
>> substantially longer, see below for the example Herv� gave on my new code:
>>> a<-function(){
>>>    eh <- query(ExperimentHub(), "ewceData")
>> The above line is not needed. Creating an ExperimentHub instance can be
>> quite expensive and with the current approach 'R CMD check' will do it
>> dozens of times. My suggestion was to create an ExperimentHub instance
>> once for all the first time you need it, and reuse it in all your data
>> access functions:
>>     eh <- ExperimentHub()  # the only call to ExperimentHub() in
>>                            # the entire R session
>> Also there's no need to query(). Just use the EHb ID directly on the
>> ExperimentHub instance to load your data:
>>     eh[["EH5373"]]
>> This should reduce 'R CMD check' by a few more minutes.
>> H.
>> --
>> Herv� Pag�s
>> Bioconductor Core Team
>> hpages.on.git...@gmail.com
> --
> Herv� Pag�s
> Bioconductor Core Team
> hpages.on.git...@gmail.com

Herv� Pag�s

Bioconductor Core Team

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