Dear everyone,

First please accept my apologies if my request is not appropriate here.

If so, please suggest me how to proceed.

I would like to suggest adding a new item in the biocViews:


BiologicalQuestion -> DifferentialDNA3DStructure;


The rationale is:

  *   There are already several biocViews starting with "Differential": 
DifferentialExpression, DifferentialMethylation, DifferentialPeakCalling, 
  *   The biocViews "DNA3DStructure" already exists.
  *   I can spot at least 4 bioC package that would fit in this biocViews: 
diffHic, HiCcompare, multiHiCcompare, TADCompare, plus the ones I am not aware 
of (and I obviously would like to add one in a near future).
  *   I expect several new packages in the fields: differential interactions, 
differential loops, differential TADs, etc.

The new biocView could be "DifferentialHiC", but I find it a bit too 

Best regards,


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