Hi Levi, 

I recently just put together a new package called orthogene 
<https://github.com/neurogenomics/orthogene> (currently under review by bioc) 
that has a convenience function for flexibly mapping species identifiers to any 
ID types (including NCBI taxa IDs): map_species() 

It may not be as comprehensive as GenomeInfoDbData, but might still be useful. 

Brian Schilder
PhD Candidate
UK Dementia Research Institute at Imperial College London
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Brain Sciences, Neurogenomics Lab
Profile | bit.ly/imperial_profile <https://bit.ly/imperial_profile>
LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/brian-schilder 
Twitter | twitter.com/BMSchilder <http://www.twitter.com/BMSchilder>
Lab | neurogenomics.co.uk <http://neurogenomics.co.uk/>
UK DRI | www.ukdri.ac.uk <http://www.ukdri.ac.uk/>

> On 8 Aug 2021, at 19:10, Levi Waldron <lwaldron.resea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone else do mapping between NCBI taxids, names, and ranks? We do
> this in curatedMetagenomicData and soon other packages, currently using
> external files that lack provenance and versioning, so Ludwig Geistlinger
> was looking for Bioconductor annotation resources. The closest he found was
> in GenomeInfoDbData <https://bioconductor.org/packages/GenomeInfoDbData> but
> this has only genus and species, and some quirks like Bacteria being listed
> as a genus:
>> library(GenomeInfoDbData)
>> data(specData)
>> head(specData)
>  tax_id        genus     species
> 1      1          all        <NA>
> 2      1         root        <NA>
> 3      2     Bacteria        <NA>
> 4      6 Azorhizobium        <NA>
> 5      7 Azorhizobium caulinodans
> 6      9     Buchnera  aphidicola
>> dim(specData)
> [1] 2521271       3
>> subset(specData, c(genus == "Escherichia" & species == "coli"))$tax_id
> [1] 562
> Any thoughts from the GenomeInfoDbData maintainer ("Bioconductor Maintainer
> <maintainer at bioconductor.org>") about a pull request either to a) update
> specData to add additional columns for all taxonomic levels, or b) creating
> a new object? Or, another approach altogether? See
> https://github.com/waldronlab/curatedMetagenomicData/issues/245.
> --
> Levi Waldron
> Associate Professor
> Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
> CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
> Institute for Implementation Science in Population Health
> 55 W 125th St, New York NY 10035
> https://waldronlab.io
> Join the microbiome Virtual International Forum: https://microbiome-vif.org
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