Let's keep this conversation on the bioc-devel list where it started.

On 04/10/2021 20:28, matine rb wrote:
Hi Hervé,

yes, I am using R CMD build *--keep-empty-dirs -- no-resave-data* and getting no error. I still don't know what is causing the problem.

Again, make sure to read what's in the rectangular box on the following page:


It's not about using --keep-empty-dirs or --no-resave-data when you run 'R CMD build'. It's about... well, just read it! (and follow the provided link).


On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 4:21 PM Hervé Pagès <hpages.on.git...@gmail.com <mailto:hpages.on.git...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    Are you using the same settings as the build machines as explained in
    the rectangular box on the following page?



    On 04/10/2021 13:50, matine rb wrote:
     > Dear Bioconductor community members,
     > I have submitted the package 'HPiP' and the package has been
    accepted (link
     > :
     > http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.14/bioc/html/HPiP.html
    However, the
     > package has the following problem :
     > package or namespace load failed for 'kableExtra':
     >   .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'kableExtra', details:
     > but, when I try to build and check the package locally, I got no
     > message.
     > May please someone advise me regarding this issue?
     > With thanks,
     > Matineh
     >       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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-- Hervé Pagès

    Bioconductor Core Team
    hpages.on.git...@gmail.com <mailto:hpages.on.git...@gmail.com>

Hervé Pagès

Bioconductor Core Team

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