It appears that you don't actually want random colors, but instead you want the 
same colors each time. Why not just generate the vector of 'random distinct 
colors' one time and save the vector of colors?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bioc-devel <> On Behalf Of Meng Chen
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 3:21 PM
Subject: [Bioc-devel] Use set.seed inside function

Dear BioC team and developers,

I am using BiocCheck to check my package, it returns a warning:
" Remove set.seed usage in R code"

I am using "set.seed" inside my functions, before calling function 
distinctColorPalette (randomcoloR package) in order to generate reproducible 
"random distinct colors". So what would be the best practice to solve this 
warning? I think 1. use set.seed and don't change anything.
2. use the set.seed function, but include something like below inside the 
function *gl.seed <- .Random.seed* *on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", gl.seed, 
envir = .GlobalEnv))* 3. use some other functions for the purpose

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
Best Regards,

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