Yes, moving the heavy vignette to a workflow package is probably a good idea. See this post from last month for more info about workflow packages:



On 22/03/2022 13:09, Marcel Ramos wrote:
Hi Christian,

Thanks for reaching out.

  From what I gather, perhaps a workflow package submission is more
appropriate for the
details that you would like to submit within the vignette. We recommend
vignettes that have
small and run-able examples (possibly from simulated data) that
demonstrate package functionality.

I haven't taken a look at the 'mysterious' package but perhaps consider
breaking up the functionality
into separate packages, if possible. For example, you could have one
package for each of the facilities
(e.g., stats, viz, utils, etc).

As for producing PDFs from plotting functions, this is generally
Plotting functions should work like plot(1:10) and should output a
single plot (or grouped plots)
to the graphics device. The user should then be free to choose the file
format for any plot produced.
This approach may in turn resolve the issues you describe with plots in
the vignette.

It may require some time re-designing the package(s) but I think your
users would benefit
in the long run.

Best regards,


On 3/22/22 4:05 PM, James W. MacDonald wrote:
If the pages from the PDF are essentially static (for your vignette, that is), 
why not run it once, get the pngs, save them somewhere, and use eval = FALSE in 
the knitr headers for the plot* fuctions. Then you will speed things up, there 
won't be all this extra PDF documentation that's +/- not part of the vignette, 
and it should run much faster.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bioc-devel<>  On Behalf Of Christian 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3:33 PM
Subject: [Bioc-devel] Vignettes with many output graphics - How to fulfill the 
Bioc build requirements, best practises?

Hi, I wanted to reach out for some thoughts on the following problem I am 
facing with a package I recently submitted to Bioc. In essence, I am struggling 
with the 15 minutes time limit for R CMD check as well as the package size 
limit of 5 MB. The latter is more important, so let's focus on that:

It is a quite large package with many functions, a full workflow for building 
gene-regulatory networks, and we want to include a detailed workflow vignette 
where the most important output plots are shown and explained, to make it 
user-friendly and easy to apply.

For various plot* functions produce PDFs that have many pages (sometimes dozens 
or even hundreds), only some of which should be shown in the vignette (say page 
2 and 5 from PDF A, and page 1 and 2 from PDF B, etc). Including selected pages 
from a PDF doesnt seem to be possible with BiocStyle (please correct me if I am 
wrong), so currently, I am automatically converting each page of each of the 
various PDFs as a png image, to include selected pages then in the Vignette via 
knitr::include_graphics. This works well, but leads to the repo being too big 
(currently 11 MB) when being build - because the original images as well as the 
resulting htmls in the inst folder contain the images, making it bigger than 5 
MB. I could reduce the resolution of the images much further, but this feels 
wrong also. In total, we talk about 40 or so images that I wanted to share 
across the different vignettes.

Are there any thoughts on how I can proceed here without spending a lot of time 
on re-designing the package logic (which I unfortunately dont have at this 
point) and without sacrificing the usability of the package (I could just 
remove the Workflow vignette or host it externally I guess)?

Thanks, your input is very appreciated.



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