Hi BioConductor,

I am currently submitting CITEViz to BioConductor and I may have a
misunderstanding of how bioconductor's git work. I'm looking for some
guidance/explanation on why my commits aren't triggering a build. I have
been following the new package workflow
vignette closely and have the following set up for origin and upstream:

*origin  g...@github.com:maxsonBraunLab/CITEViz.git (fetch)origin
 g...@github.com:maxsonBraunLab/CITEViz.git (push)upstream
 g...@git.bioconductor.org:packages/CITEViz.git (fetch)upstream
 g...@git.bioconductor.org:packages/CITEViz.git (push)*

When I version bump (e.g. from 0.99.1 to 0.99.2) and push a new commit to
bioconductor's git, I realized a build couldn't be triggered in the issues
page <https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/2738>. When I
`git clone` the upstream to a different folder and do a git log, I am able
to detect the change:

*commit 49e353cf142c71b056ad185963cebacb1df513df (HEAD -> master,
origin/master, origin/HEAD)Author: gartician <kongga2...@gmail.com
<kongga2...@gmail.com>>Date:   Sat Oct 8 23:00:34 2022 -0700    version
bump to 0.99.4*

I think this is odd because I can track the changes in bioconductor's git,
but the builds aren't triggered. I very much likely have a misunderstanding
of how things work, so any explanations would be greatly appreciated. Thank
you for looking into this.

Garth Kong
M.S. in Bioinformatics and Genomics
Website:https://gartician.github.io/ <http://garthkong.com/>
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garth-kong/
GitHub: https://github.com/gartician

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