Hi Bioconductor team,

We’re developing a package to analyze a `new` type of high-throughput 
sequencing data. We have some BAM files ready. We’d like the package to be able 
to take BAM files as the input. In addition, to maintain our method’s 
statistical rigor, we’d like to implement repeated sampling for multiple times 
(a large number). 

This brings concern to a package development, which I’d like to collect some 
feedback prior to proceed:
1. The best practice to use BAM files as the example data? BAM files are large 
in general. Although we can use a part of the BAM, instead of the BAM from the 
whole genome, as the example data, I still don’t think it’s feasible to include 
those external files in the package submission. And due to the novelty of this 
sequencing experiment, I don’t think the current experiment data packages have 
them. Would you suggest us submitting a new experiment data package (of several 
dozen MBs), along with our software package? 
2. Deal with long example run time? Due to repeated sampling and the handling 
of BAM files, we suspect our software code examples may take a long running 
time. Do you have any suggestions on this so it can pass the software checking, 
which is time-bound?

Thank you very much in advance. 


Hao Feng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Biostatistics
Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Harland Wood Building - Room WG-82T 
10900 Euclid Avenue
SOM / Room G82T 
Cleveland, OH 44106-4945
Phone: 216-368-5510
Lab website: https://hfenglab.org/
Official website: http://epbiwww.case.edu/haofeng-phd/
Email: hxf...@case.edu <mailto:hxf...@case.edu>

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